Robbery Attempt Foiled with Can of Applesauce


Wait a second.AA Not only did dude shoot himself in the head, but he also got whipped.AAAACan you identify the ninja in this situation?AA Hint: Motts is not a likely weapon.AA

PHILADELPHIA - A customer at a city grocery tackled an armed robber and beat him with a can of applesauce when he refused to drop his gun, police said.

The suspect shot himself in the head during the struggle, and passed out after the 66-year-old customer administered four blows to the head with the Mott’s applesauce.

Once again a disgruntled ninja opens a can… of applesauce.

Read the Full Story at: Yahoo News


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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 1:06pm

Categories: crime

Comments: 1 comment

Then Again… If Michael Douglas is your Pops…

We’ll save you the commentary and just hit you with the excerpt… dude is taking his son to see a shrink now.

AA"Yes, Fatal Attraction star Michael was stung by one of the nasty sea creatures and got his five-year-old son to urinate on him."

"But instead of being concerned at his dad’s weird request, the boy was delighted, according to IMDb."

"He looked at me like he’d gone to Heaven. He was like, ‘This is what I call a good summer holiday! Pee-pee on daddy’s back!'"

Link Via: Thanks goAAto Ian.


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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 12:27pm

Categories: celebrity,too good to be true

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OLPC Makes Cranking a Laptop Affordable

The divide between rich and poor is constantly growing, especially with the advent of the digital age. Think about it, what would you do without your computer? Where would you cop your gear at, son? The mission of this non-profit association is to develop a low-cost laptopa€"the "$100 Laptop"a€"a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world’s children.AA One Laptop Per Ninja.AAIt’s got pretty heavy tech blog coverage, but we here at myninjaplease are all about education of the little ninjas, so peep it out and donate.


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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 12:01pm

Categories: computers

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Maybe the Poorest Ninja on Earth

This video brings a new meaning to the word budget.AA We do however support the swinging of nunchucks in any and all forms.

Via: YouTube

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 11:47am

Categories: not ninja-worthy

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My Ninja, Please! 7/19/06: Flying Car Claims ‘Only Slight Prejudice’

Ok… so let me find out that the Italians (Alfa Romeo) go and make a car with an epithet as the actual name.AA First they call Zidane (another candidate for Realest Ninja Alive) a terrorist and then they go make this joint.AA MAMAMIA! Whassamarra with these guys?

People, I know this is only a concept car, and nevermind the fact that it FLIES, but tell me why this car is named the SPIX?!AA And here it is I thoughtAAthe I-talians had good relations with the Spanish.AA The world’s done gone crazy… although I’m not gonna claim this wouldn’t help-help out some of our finer feathered friends to the south (they count as ninjas too) — and they’re already talking about it.

Check out the page and sleek video here!

Quote from the Spanish page (translated):AA "IfAAthe Italians are distinguished in anything (besides soccer) it’s in the design of whatever object.AA Although the car in question is not actually Italian, it bears the Italian mark, Alfa Romeo."AA This is just a big racist mess.AA Ninja, Please!

AAVia: Techeblog

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 10:47am

Categories: myninjaplease,whips

Comments: 4 comments

"Even on the most solemn occasions I got away without wearing socks and hid that lack of civilisation in high boots."

These are the great words of Albert Einstein and only one of his many wise thoughts captured within the 1400 newly-released letters, made public just this week by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Einstein was a true ninja; we are all very proud…
via NewScientist

[ed:AA this guy woulda been a definite candidate for realest ninja alive… tims and no socks]

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 4:17am

Categories: life,celebrity

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And you thought the nuclear football was gangsta!

The nuclear football (from Zero Halliburton) ain’t got nothin’ on me, kid. While its sterile veneer of shiny aluminum might tempt the purists among us, this Japanese Cedar laptop case from Tamuki Shimamura has got it beat on the aesthetic tip. The bag has a canvas interior and can even fit a 17″ laptop.
get it on arenot

via unwired news

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 3:42am

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,business

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Helicopter That Can Fly Itself

Threw this one on my list of things to cop before WWIII rolls around.

Last month, Boeing completed a successful test flight of a completely unmanned helicopter called Little Bird.

"The Unmanned Little Bird offers potential operators a low-cost, multi-purpose aircraft that will provide manned or unmanned options in combat, making it a versatile and easily deployable asset on future battlefields," said Cerchie. "We are clearly demonstrating the unmatched advantages of combining a cost-effective, proven airframe with emerging manned-unmanned network centric technologies."
via TechNews

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 3:32am

Categories: life

Comments: 1 comment

Damn! I Crashed My Bentley!

But at least now I can see it in the archives at Wrecked Exotics, the "internet’s largest collection of exotic car crash photos."

via uber rides

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 3:17am

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,whips

Comments: 1 comment