My Ninja, Please! 7/19/06: Flying Car Claims ‘Only Slight Prejudice’
Ok… so let me find out that the Italians (Alfa Romeo) go and make a car with an epithet as the actual name.AA First they call Zidane (another candidate for Realest Ninja Alive) a terrorist and then they go make this joint.AA MAMAMIA! Whassamarra with these guys?
People, I know this is only a concept car, and nevermind the fact that it FLIES, but tell me why this car is named the SPIX?!AA And here it is I thoughtAAthe I-talians had good relations with the Spanish.AA The world’s done gone crazy… although I’m not gonna claim this wouldn’t help-help out some of our finer feathered friends to the south (they count as ninjas too) — and they’re already talking about it.
Check out the page and sleek video here!
Quote from the Spanish page (translated):AA "IfAAthe Italians are distinguished in anything (besides soccer) it’s in the design of whatever object.AA Although the car in question is not actually Italian, it bears the Italian mark, Alfa Romeo."AA This is just a big racist mess.AA Ninja, Please!
AAVia: Techeblog
Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 10:47am by black octagons
Categories: myninjaplease,whips
Comments: 4 comments
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Where do you see racism in this sentence? Are you joking?
19 Jul 06 at 1:18 pm
I think it’s a joke.
black octagons
19 Jul 06 at 1:28 pm
The Alfa Romeo is coming back!
The lineup will remain unchanged until early next decade when, if news reports are to be believed, Alfa Romeo may diversify with three more models that already exist as styling proposals at Alfa Romeo’s design headquarters in Turin: Kamal, Racer and …
Auto Parts Resources
20 Jul 06 at 2:56 am
hi that is a nice elsingular ninja
18 Apr 08 at 11:02 am