Terry Gilliam and Coke - The Perfect Recipe?

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Fear and Loathing of evil ninjasAAAAAA

Happiness Factor - A Talk About Creativity

A Coke Commercial by Terry Gilliam
Via: Google Video

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 11:42pm

Categories: celebrity,drogas,film

Comments: 1 comment


So for the past couple weeks I been bumpin this CD, Ammasakoul by Touareg group Tinariwen. I done played it out, so now it’s your turn. Peep the song for a little taste.


From their page on Calabash Music:

"Tinariwen is a Touareg group from the southern Sahara whose music is close to the blues of Ali Farka Toure. The band’s name means "empty places" which certainly reflects their desert homeland…
Radicalized by war and drought, Tinariwen invented a new style of music known as Tishoumaren, or music of the ishumar. Ishumar, which means unemployed, refers to a generation of young, enraged Tamashek exiles: people who left their stomping grounds for work after much repression and drought in Mali. Tinariwen wanted to carry on traditional music, but in exile they could rarely find the 30 or more musicians necessary to play the style. They have combined traditional musical forms with a modern rebellious and radical rock sensibility — traditional instruments such as the teherdent lute and shepherd flute were discarded in favor of the electric guitar, electric bass and drums.

Their Music is loosely based on traditional Touareg music and the harsh melodies of the one-stringed Touareg violin, but also incorporates influences such as Bob Marley together with the other disparate influences, both western and middle eastern, which managed to penetrate that far into the desert."

Listen to the Song

Full Article

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 9:31pm

Categories: music

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Man Accused of Blinding Wife With Carrot

Now, when you’re in the kitchen and you get so heated you can’t even wait to grab a knife…don’t worry.AA Vegetables and produce are now acceptable ninja weaponry!
original story on CBS 3

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 8:47pm

Categories: hood status,life,crime

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Eight Year Old Genius Lets His Fingers Loose

Chopin Valse: No. 14 Performed by an 8 year old ninja. Ferreal.
Video on YouTube

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 7:35pm

Categories: youtube,music,mnp is for the children

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The Art of Ninja Mind Control


A complete mastery of these excercises may open new neural pathways. Novice or ‘weekend’ ninjas be warned: too much time training in the zone can be hazardous to your mental.

"Interactive entertainment for pre-schoolers based on Ragdoll’s Boohbah television show."

(Ed: Y’all have got to check this shit! It is unbelievable. My brain was throbbing with the force for the next 45 minutes.)


link: Boobah Zone

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 7:31pm

Categories: mnp is for the children

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The Teletubbies Are Feeling Dem Franchise Boyz

‘nuf said
video on YouTube

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 5:42pm

Categories: bling,youtube,music,mnp is for the children

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Ninjas all over the world are stunned.

Not only are we shocked (and awed) by your actions, Tom, but we are also ROLLING at you getting your groove on. The one time you get on BET, man…

via: YouTube

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 5:11pm

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,youtube,celebrity,drogas

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Honk if you love green energy!

Highway Wind 3

Highway Wind 2

A runner-up for Metropolis magazine’s 2006 Next Generation Award, Mark Oberholzer with Wittenberg Oberholzer Architects, Laura Koehler, and Michael Morrow, designed these Highway Divider Wind Turbines. These ninjas designed small conical wind turbines that would sit on the concrete dividers along highways, which would be spun by the air movement created by passing traffic. The electricity generated would be fed into a cable running beneath the dividers, and then into the city grid. Check out the rest of the comp HERE.

Check out the rest of the comp .magazine’s 2006 Next Generation Award, Mark Oberholzer with Wittenberg Oberholzer Architects, Laura Koehler, and Michael Morrow, designed these . These ninjas designed small conical wind turbines that would sit on the concrete dividers along highways, which would be spun by the air movement created by passing traffic. The electricity generated would be fed into a cable running beneath the dividers, and then into the city grid. Check out the rest of the comp .

Highway Wind 1

Wondering why there are no images at Metropolis’ page? That’s because in true ninja fashion this post has the only images on the net [as of now]. Act like you know.

[images from Metropolis Magazine (the actual paper magazine)]

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 2:18pm

Categories: myninjaplease,green,whips,architecture

Comments: 6 comments

How to Spot a Jap

We here at myninjaplease find this to be personally offensive, if not just an interesting link for you history buffs out there.

"In 1942 the US War Department produced a Pocket Guide to China, which includes a comic book-like section titled How to Spot a Jap. The goal of the section is to teach American soldiers how to differentiate the Chinese from the Japanese. It covers differences in the face, feet, stride, and pronunciation of English. (Do any veterans out there remember this thing?)"

Link Via: Sinosplice

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 1:36pm

Categories: not ninja-worthy

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