Archive for the ‘did you know?’ Category

Did You Know?

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Posted: June 7th, 2011
at 11:26am by mnp

Categories: did you know?

Comments: No comments

Did You Know? (Wikipedia Edition)

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Interesting observations about the English Wikipedia:

Almost half of all the text added gets reverted.
Over three quarters of contributions from registered users are from someone who’s had a contribution reverted.
Half of the top 50 contributors (by amount contributed) are bots. via

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Posted: June 6th, 2011
at 11:20am by mnp

Categories: did you know?

Comments: No comments

Did You Know?

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Posted: December 18th, 2008
at 7:25am by orangemenace

Categories: did you know?

Comments: No comments

Did you know?


….The Republic of Antarctica is a member of EIFA, the English-Language Intermicronational Football Association, although it has yet to play a match. via

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Posted: August 12th, 2008
at 6:54am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: did you know?

Comments: No comments