Archive for the ‘computers’ Category

The $99 Supercomputer

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Posted: September 28th, 2012
at 10:20pm by mnp

Categories: computers

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Reinventing the Shipping Container Part 23

An upcycled, open source (learn how to build this online), creative co-op made of shipping containers has recently been completed by epic software. Check out their blog for further reading.

Images ©2012 - epic software group, inc.

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Posted: August 2nd, 2012
at 5:29am by mnp

Categories: computers,film,architecture,open source

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Cork Mouse

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Posted: July 5th, 2012
at 1:02am by mnp

Categories: computers

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Posted: June 28th, 2012
at 6:40pm by mnp

Categories: computers,green

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Does Journalism and Tech Work?

What do you think?

Why has tech reporting become such tedious product journalism? Why are reporters trying to scoop each other on news that is essentially a spec sheet about a mass-produced product? : Continue reading :

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Posted: April 21st, 2012
at 2:28am by mnp

Categories: computers,web,cell phones,business,et cetera,cloud

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Robert Peters

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Posted: January 5th, 2012
at 1:15pm by mnp

Categories: computers,design

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IBM Innovation Predictions for 2016

In this installment: you will be able to power your home with the energy you create yourself; you will never need a password again; mind reading is no longer science fiction; the digital divide will cease to exist; and junk mail will become priority mail.

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The Art of R by Norman Matloff

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Free download from the Three-Toed Sloth, buy the current book, here.

R is the world’s most popular programming language for statistical computing. Drug developers use it to evaluate clinical trials and determine which medications are safe and effective; archaeologists use it to sift through mounds of artifacts and track the spread of ancient civilizations; and actuaries use it to assess financial risks and keep economies running smoothly. In The Art of R Programming, veteran author Norman Matloff takes readers on a guided tour of this powerful language, from basic object types and data structures to graphing, parallel processing, and much more. Along the way, readers learn about topics including functional and object-oriented programming, low-level code optimization, and interfacing R with C++ and Python. Whether readers are doing academic research, designing aircraft, or forecasting the weather, R is the tool of choice for statistical application development, and The Art of R Programming is the definitive guide to learning R.

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Dead Laptop Series

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Posted: November 17th, 2011
at 5:02pm by mnp

Categories: computers,art

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