The God Delusion (two parts) - Documentary is a Richard Dawkins video… so… take your salt shakers out. gotta be kidding…
"Excuse me, then, I’m off to the little ‘site-and-utility-contractor’s room’ to slip into something more comfortable, mmkay?"
This reminds me of that John Brown song. You can respond to the ad here or view the screen shot by clicking the linked pic above. God knows why my boy T was looking at this.
Posted: September 30th, 2008
at 1:29pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true
Comments: No comments
Phaoroah Sanders - Lazy Bird
For you more sophisticated ninjas… a tribute by the god-emperor.
Remember when…?
Remember when this was super controversial? Anyway… sorry, what were ya’ll saying about a black president?
Howie Rich : Taking the Public Trust
Howie Rich is a New York lobbyist who is spending millions "to limit the use of eminent domain and require compensation to property owners for restrictions." By compensating multi-hundred acre land owners for the loss of value due to environmental law and new zoning regulations, under Rich’s proposed plan, the government would be ready to lose billions of dollars to developers. Why is land use regulation necessary?
Nancy Stricklin sums up the case for land use regulation:
It is important to remember that land use regulations are adopted for the purpose of
enhancing the quality of life for all citizens and fostering a peaceful co-existence between
neighbors.. Land use regulations balance the interests of all property owners. Without land use regulations, the balance is lost. Requiring the a€governmenta€™ to pay to provide that balance loses sight of who will really pay those claims and attorney fees. It will be the taxpayers.
Posted: September 30th, 2008
at 5:55am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: not ninja-worthy,development
Comments: No comments
There Will Be Bud

Video Friday (surprise, ninjas!) has officially gotten outta control.AA Thanks to B for the link.
He’s not Drunk
That’s just drunken Kung Fu, fool.

I think the correct term is "ROFLCOPTERS."
Posted: September 26th, 2008
at 12:46pm by Black Ock
Categories: youtube,too good to be true
Comments: No comments