Archive for the ‘real life news’ Category

Sh*t Republicans say… about black people

At Monday’s 352nd Republican presidential debate, the remaining candidates for the GOP Presidential nomination tackled the tough issues, like whether or not felons should be allowed to vote and what in the sam hill is going on with black people being poor all the time. As they veered between treating moderator Juan Williams like he was an acceptable substitute for the ire they’d like to direct at President Obama and talking like a civics paper written by a drunk guy who only watches Fox News, I started thinking: For being a bunch of rich white folk, Republican politicians sure do say a lot of shit about black people.:: watch the video ::



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Posted: January 23rd, 2012
at 9:55am by Black Ock

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Categories: politricks,real life news

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Foto del Dia 12.13.11

There was also much discussion of water, a particular interest of GZA, whose albums include "Beneath the Surface" and the classic "Liquid Swords." (He’s working on a follow-up to the latter.) What makes water molecules vibrate in funky ways? Temperature, pressure, pH, and salt, said Rinn. What’s the ideal alkalinity for drinking? Around 8.5, said GZA, who recently bought a $4,500 ionizer because he was tired of spending $7 a day on Fiji Water.

There was music criticism, too. Pardis Sabeti, a Harvard evolutionary biologist who moonlights as the lead singer of a rock band, told GZA she was disappointed in what record executives want these days. Too generic, she said. GZA agreed.  GZA lectures at Harvard

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Posted: December 13th, 2011
at 12:14pm by Black Ock

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Categories: too good to be true,real life news,foto del dia,ninjas are everyehere

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A Balance Sheet Recession

Learning from Japan, "This is not a common cold, this is pneumonia." :

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At a cost of $235,263 per job, paying people high wages to help the domestic economy mend artificially created scarcities is not a cure for global economic stagnation. Is it possible to optimize rationality? We need to hope so.

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Slate offers eight drastic policy measures necessary to prevent global economic collapse…is it really getting to this?

On a side note, who doesn’t like chocolate….if utilized by Africa it could have a major impact on the standard of living…

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Posted: September 27th, 2011
at 8:00pm by mnp

Categories: business,politricks,real life news,innovation

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Videotaping of Police NOT Illegal

If you watch the YouTube video below, you’ll see evidence of a cop harassing a civilian for filming an arrest.  In several states it appears that federal wiretapping laws have been used to justify this sort of behavior by the police, effectively putting you in their crosshairs for interfering with a police investigation, illegal wiretapping, or worse. (original story courtesy of: boingboing )

In a victory for all camera-phone ninjas everywhere, young and old, a Federal circuit court in the state of MA has ruled that filiming the coppers is an unambiguously constitutionally protected right.  For most of us, that’s mere common sense, for the police department, however, the news couldn’t be worse.

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Undeterred, in February 2010, Glik filed suit in federal court against the officers and the City of Boston under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and the MassachusettsCivil Rights Act.  Glik alleged that the police officers violated his First Amendment right to record police activity in public and that  the officers violated his Fourth Amendment rights by arresting him without probable cause to believe a crime had occurred.

Naturally, the police officers moved to dismiss on the basis of qualified immunity, but Judge Young was having none of that, denying the motion from the bench and ruling that "in the First Circuit . . . this First Amendment right publicly to record the activities of police officers on public business is established."  The police officers then appealed to the First Circuit, but they have now struck out on appeal as well, with the First Circuit ruling that "Glik was exercising clearly-established First Amendment rights in filiming the officers in a public space, and that his clearly-established Fourth Amendment rights were violated by his arrest without probable cause." .::Citizens Media Law

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Posted: September 8th, 2011
at 2:48pm by Black Ock

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Categories: hood status,crime,politricks,real life news,law

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Urthecast - The Real Enemy of the State

So I’m not sure how serious this project is, but it has the notable dual distinction of being both really cool and really frightening. HD video streaming of the earth from orbit - with up to 1 meter resolution. Holy crap. See for yourself. And yes, we’ve seen this movie.

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I mean, we’d be foolish to believe that this is not already deployed and functioning somewhere other than on the international space station, in my ninja opinion. Yup, they can see you peeing.

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Posted: July 11th, 2011
at 9:35am by Black Ock

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Categories: weaponry,real life news,science,ninjas are everyehere,space

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Is There a New Geek Anti-intellectualism?

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: Click here :

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Evisceration (in full)

SO if you’re the last person to watch O’Reilly get murdered by Jon Stewart, well then I feel bad for you. Basically, the "selective outrage machine" that is FOX news - and O’Reilly in particular - decided that it had a problem with Common being a performer at a poetry slam at the White House. O’Reilly seems to suggest that he’s a dodgy character with whom the president should be ashamed to associate. In the clip below, Jon explains to O’Reilly why he’s wrong, basically doing to him what Obama did to Trump, except to his face (and complete with a "BOOYA").

I both love Common and also find myself in position to be artistically aware of almost the entire breadth of his portfolio (meaning that I listened to him before ‘Like Water For Chocolate,’ and way before Kanye single-handedly made him a commercial emcee). Especially in the old school, Common (Sense) had some really raw lyrics. I mean, the guy was a pimp, supposedly, before being a musician.

Interestingly, you can see how Common changes throughout his musical career, eventually releasing some of the more heartfelt and poetic (read: soft) verses in the rap game to date. Don’t get it twisted, he will eat 99% of y’all still. Anyway, to me this raises larger, more important questions. In my opinion those questions are: how much artistic freedom should we give rappers credit for? How closely associated do you have to be to a public figure to be considered lending them credibility? How could somebody watch this clip and still believe any of Bill’s bullcrap?

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Posted: May 24th, 2011
at 7:42am by Black Ock

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Categories: music,too good to be true,politricks,fo' real?,real life news,boredom killer,ninjas are everyehere

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My Ninja, Please! 5.23.11: Obama Mug

An Obama mug with his grill on one side and a birth certificate on the back?  Besides buying one of these for Donald Trump, what the hell do I want with this?  My ninja, please!  Despite wanting this to be okay, I… I just can’t.  I dunno why, exactly. I almost want to say something about the dignity of the office of president, but that would be, like, 11 years post-run.  The average reader of this site should already know how little, if any, credence we here at MNP give to the so-called "birther" movement, but the other side of this, this mug, is - well - ridiculous.

I don’t see what the big F’n deal is anyway, even if we were to find out he was from someplace scarier than Africa… like, say Mongolia (my heart quakes with 1000 fears).  This is some old technicality bullsh*t, like when we tried to say that Bush didn’t have the right to send the country into war, except we were right, damnit (come to think of it, I’m starting to understand, even though the argument is flimsy, not lush like Donnie-boy’s toupee).  I guess I shouldn’t expect anything more, or less,  from a president, or a celebrity president, or a campaign that sells "Health care is a B.F.D." t-shirts, or a campaign that chose Joe Biden for a real grown-up job.  In the spirit of hilarious apathy (that, um, has come to define us) and in support of (the right kind of) democracy, I encourage you to go buy one and shout from the rooftops, "My Ninja, Please!"

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Posted: May 23rd, 2011
at 8:59am by Black Ock

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Categories: too good to be true,politricks,real life news

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A radical Christian group has determined that the beginning of the end of the world will occur this week. But is the math correct?

Most of us roll our eyes when we stumble across an apocalypse theory. But Family Radio has been proclaiming May 21, 2011, as the veritable Judgment Day, and the prediction has been getting a lot of attention. How could the network come up with such a specific date? NewsFeed crunched the numbers to see if the calculations could indeed signal the second coming of Christ, using passages from the New International Version of the Bible. #link#

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Posted: May 22nd, 2011
at 6:00pm by Black Ock

Categories: real life news,the column

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