Archive for the ‘robots’ Category

Past Robots : January Edition

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Posted: January 10th, 2012
at 3:46am by mnp

Categories: robots

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IBM Innovation Predictions for 2016

In this installment: you will be able to power your home with the energy you create yourself; you will never need a password again; mind reading is no longer science fiction; the digital divide will cease to exist; and junk mail will become priority mail.

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GigaOM RoadMap 2011

At the inaugural GigaOM RoadMap for 2011 conference it was a pleasure to hear influencers in the connected tech arena discuss the new standards that importantly are happening today and will be reaching mass audiences in the next 5-10 years. The value chain of creators and moderators is moving farther and farther away from mega companies (who are squandering to protect licensing rights) to small teams of personalized directional players in places like India. With advances in personalized human health care and easier to use industrial design, there is an increasing thirst for understanding how to humanize a super enthralled society from the waves of recommendations and gifting.

Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame, mentioned a Hakim Bey notion of temporary autonomous zones and how we are moving back to this facilitation. With a big problem being the creative itself, some see the cluttered world as place where a CBS can come out on top out of the muffle of the rising artisan movement. Om Malik noted that if you are in the media business, you might as well have something to sell… It seems as though we are moving from an ownership society to an access society, from a binary world, to somewhere in between. The uncanny valley was a topic of discussion as was the large amount of leverage that intellectual capital can have even for a small company without traditional merit.

Is the professional world going to trump the world of knitting? Is annotation of Second Life like book experiences going to shape future meta-data? The cloud is the mover here folks, and there is much to look forward to as we are still in early days…but will the canary begin to show some life?

Some ideas from the conference with, Om Malik, Mark Rolston, Richard Nash, Hosain Rahman, Matt Mullenweg, Frank Moss, Jack Dorsey- featured by

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Robotic Notification Smell Factory

This is pretty awesome, you can make these yourself or wait and buy an already assembled Olly- a robotic smell factory that alerts you with a smell when you get a tweet… and its running arduino, you can buy here.

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Posted: November 5th, 2011
at 10:12pm by mnp

Categories: too good to be true,robots,design,fo' real?,diy,open source,#twitterisfothebirds,innovation

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Robotic Sculptures

: Click here for more photos :

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Posted: October 29th, 2011
at 10:37am by mnp

Categories: art,robots

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Futuristic-looking Abandoned Monuments

Check out this collection of abandoned Yugoslavian monuments that look like they’re from the future planet of the apes.

Some of these beg the obvious question - why were they trying to build the fortress of solitude when obviously they lacked the Russian Superman to inhabit it?

Luckily, the real Superman would have saved Metropolis AND America from the Cold War.  Except when he was a commie pinko.

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Posted: October 10th, 2011
at 4:27am by Black Ock

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Categories: robots,politricks,architecture,photo

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Saturn Fly-By

5.6k Saturn Cassini Photographic Animation from stephen v2 on Vimeo.

Animated from thousands of still photographs, this virtual fly-by is a preview of an IMAX film in the works. Each image comes from the Cassini-Huygens Orbiter, launched in conjunction with a Titan probe of the same name in 1997 and transmitting stunning visuals since 2004. This one goes out to all of our space-ninjas; it’s far more difficult to hear or see a ninja coming in space, btw.

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Posted: September 13th, 2011
at 8:59am by Black Ock

Categories: robots,film,science,space

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Robots Go to Camp

Camp is a time for meeting new friends, singing kumbaya by firelight, swimming in the lake and … robots?

: Continue reading :

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Posted: July 6th, 2011
at 6:10pm by mnp

Categories: robots,mnp is for the children

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Andrew Ng : The Future of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

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Posted: June 4th, 2011
at 12:38pm by mnp

Categories: robots,science

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