Festo Robotic Technology
This post is proof positive that reading Engadget, contrary to popular belief, sometimes yields some real gems. As far as these ninjas at Festo are concerned, sure, robotic flying jellyfish and penguins are very cute… and much more advanced than those animatronic dinosaurs from Jurassic Park, but I think they’re kind of insulting to the overlords, in form.
Of course, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.
.::Check out the specs and techs -> Festo
Quote of the Day
The difference between false memories and real ones is the same as for jewels: its always the false ones that look the most real, the most brilliant. via
Posted: April 15th, 2009
at 8:22pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: quote of the day
Comments: No comments
You shoulda put a ring on it…
But… if you had put a ring on it back then… you’d probably be divorced by now.
Apparently… Obama has some "Single Ladies" moves of his own.
Posted: April 14th, 2009
at 2:11pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true
Comments: No comments
If only I had one of these…
Posted: April 13th, 2009
at 2:55pm by Black Ock
Categories: youtube,too good to be true
Comments: No comments
I believe this qualifies as a life changing experience. I’m assuming you’ve already heard about this. BTW… we’re going ALL VIDEO this Monday.
Posted: April 13th, 2009
at 1:00pm by Black Ock
Categories: primary sources,10th dan
Comments: No comments
Underwear Lightsabre Battle
As you maybe can tell from the last two videos, we’re known for our appreciation of the higher forms of… academia…
Posted: April 13th, 2009
at 8:33am by Black Ock
Categories: too good to be true,"ninja"
Comments: No comments
Sita Sings the Blues
Thanks to Bianca for this one!
In this November 2008 interview, well-known cartoonist and animator Nina Paley tells how her award-winning, feature-length film Sita Sings The Blues landed in copyright jail.
After pouring three years of her life into making the film, and having great success with audiences at festival screenings, she now can’t distribute it, because of music licensing issues: the film uses songs recorded in the late 1920’s by singer Annette Hanshaw, and although the recordings are out of copyright, the compositions themselves are still restricted. That means if you want to make a film using these songs from the 1920s, you have to pay moneyAAa€"AAa lot of money (around $50,000.00).
"Lasting Impression"
Posted: April 9th, 2009
at 5:10am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,life,fo' real?,real life news,9th dan
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