Archive for May, 2009

Muzak Video Sundays [5/31/09]

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Bebel Gilberto - Winter

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Persephone’s Bees- Nice Day

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Sunz of Man - No Love Without Hate

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Jeru - Come Clean

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Jay - Z - 99 Problems Super Re-Remix (but a Bush ain’t one)

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Posted: May 31st, 2009
at 12:15pm by Black Ock

Categories: muzak video sundays

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When Will Fossil Fuels Fall?


A great blog post at businessGreen poses the question of when will the fossil fuel industries finally give way to new, sustainable sectors? The US fossil fuels industry is currently outspending green campaigners by "10 to one" in an attempt to counter any efforts of US climate change legislation.

It seems absurd that at this point in the global warming issue, that the people have not yet demanded appropriate enaction. Support green energy by responding to minority marketing regimes.

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Posted: May 29th, 2009
at 4:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,green,business

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Latin American art auction fetches $11 million


NEW YORK (Reuters) - Latin American art works fetched a total of more than $11 million in a comparatively strong sale that set five world auction records for the artists, Christie’s said.

Virgilio Garza, Christie’s Latin American chief, credited the excitement about the Thursday evening sale to the top three selling works, all from the 1940s and rarely available to the market.

"That really brought people in," he told Reuters, "People flew in from all over."

A rediscovered 1943 masterpiece of Cuban modernism by artist Mario Carreno called "Fuego en el Batey," (Fire in the Farm), was the top seller at $2.1 million. A family on Long Island unexpectedly offered the work, whose whereabouts had been unknown.

Layered in thick swipes of industrial car enamel, it depicts a panic-stricken mother handing a child to a man on horseback fleeing a burning farm. Its swirling colorful arcs and the horse’s blurred motion recall the Italian Futurists, Garza said.

continue reading here

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Posted: May 29th, 2009
at 3:19pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,auctions

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Whip of the Week : Audi Electric


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Posted: May 26th, 2009
at 12:34pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: whips

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The United States of Mind


Certain regional stereotypes have long since become cliches: The stressed-out New Yorker. The laid-back Californian.

But the conscientious Floridian? The neurotic Kentuckian?

You bet — at least, according to new research on the geography of personality. Based on more than 600,000 questionnaires and published in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, the study maps regional clusters of personality traits, then overlays state-by-state data on crime, health and economic development in search of correlations.

click here to continue reading and go to the interactive map

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Posted: May 25th, 2009
at 1:15pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,fo' real?,real life news,"ninja",maps

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Ninjas on the Net : Adelaide

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From the purple ninjas to white ninjas there was a true, multicolor Ninja Raid on Adelaide (2009), in flash mob fashion of course..

The last time we went traveling we ended up in Mumbai (seems like ages doesn’t it?)- it’s now time for a shift in a new direction towards South Australia, or Adelaide to be more specific.

-Need a free bike for hire? Look no further than Critical Mass Adelaide for help
-Finally the bus of dreams has been made! Here’s the world’s first solar bus or the Tindo Bus funded by The Adelaide City Council- did we mention that it was free?
-Order the "Melting Pot Degustation," a 6 course tour at the properly titled, Melting Pot Restaurant over at the Foodologist: click the link to peruse the food porn
-A chimp that you thought was just being watched is now doing the watching: a 27 year-old chimpanzee, Karta, climbed out to the top of containment after short circuiting her electric fence, but then "changed her mind about escaping" and climbed back into the enclosure. Visit the Adelaide Zoo -Look out for the 11 day Adelaide Film Festival-Virtual tours of the Botanic Gardens, the Glass Footbridge and other highlights of the city here-With summer already coming to a close in this hemisphere, check out Adelaide Fringe 2010, the "other" multi-arts festival of the city

    Be sure to attend Wild Law, October 16-28, 2009: Australia’s first conference on earth jurisprudence, or natural law (as seen below from Friends of the Earth Adelaide)


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    Posted: May 20th, 2009
    at 5:56am by Koookiecrumbles

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    Categories: ninjas on the net

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    Foto del dia 5.19 : Tokyo Noir #48


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    Posted: May 19th, 2009
    at 4:43pm by Koookiecrumbles

    Categories: foto del dia

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    MNP Bump: Rolcats

    It’s not often that we return to a blog on which we previously posted, given the number of one hit wonders out here on the internets, but sometimes we do. One of our favorites has been "F*ck You, Penguin," which you may recall was posted here just at the end of last year. Part of what I like about it, I must admit, is that it constantly has new content.

    The reason why I’m bringing them up is because they have apparently released an entire book of cute-animal-bashing hilarity. They’ve also got T-shirts and hoodies and stuff. All of this activity appears to have happened right after our initial post, and so shall henceforth be attributed to the "MNP bump." Anyway, this is a good segue into the point of this post.

    Scrolling through the comments left on the site I found this cute little gem… a blog focused on translating the Eastern European versions of lolcats into capitalism-friendly consumer conscious English (see example below). This joint really had me lollerskating, and I’m betting Rolcats will have a similar effect on you. Check it out.

    Commissar Markov has long been a loyal party member, but I fear his growing influence in state policy. Perhaps it is time to cash in a favor from my friends at the Kremlin.

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    Posted: May 18th, 2009
    at 2:15pm by Black Ock

    Categories: too good to be true,politricks,10th dan

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    Frozen Frogspawn

    That sounds gross… doesn’t it? Ninjas, we already told you how to freeze snails, but, did you know that frogs can freeze too?

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    It is not recommended that you try this at home.

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    Posted: May 12th, 2009
    at 3:40pm by Black Ock

    Categories: youtube,boredom killer,10th dan

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