Archive for the ‘quote of the day’ Category

Quote of the Day

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Why change the world? To me that’s what life is about. If you don’t do that, you might as well hibernate. -Dean Kamen


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Posted: June 17th, 2012
at 4:30am by mnp

Categories: quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

Politics is defined by money and access. Plain and simple. The unfortunate truth is that if you want to change Washington DC, you have to buy it. And the big online Internet companies, especially Web-facing ones, have failed to pony up. Case in point: Obama spent more buying ads on Google in 2008 than Google did on total lobbying in 2008, 2009, and 2010 combined. :: Read More ::

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Posted: January 23rd, 2012
at 10:12am by Black Ock

Categories: politricks,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

Mark Wahlberg engages in a bit of buffoonery:

If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.’ :: read more ::

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Posted: January 19th, 2012
at 4:31pm by Black Ock

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Categories: celebrity,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

Only in OWS…

When I met him, Hipster Cop was wearing a bright red Mister Rogers cardigan and a white button down with a clipped tie, grey wool slacks and spotless oxfords, a smirk on his face. He was the most sharply-dressed guy I had seen pretty much all week, and I work in Soho. Hipster Cop almost looked too well-dressed to be a Radiohead fan; like, maybe he only listened to LPs of obscure Japanese bands from the 80s. But I asked if he was bummed about Radiohead’s no-show: "They’re finished," he joked. "Nobody’s going to listen to their music anymore." - Adrian Chen #source

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Posted: October 25th, 2011
at 11:41am by Black Ock

Categories: crime,quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

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Put differently, don’t be static. If you’re still using skills you learned 10 years ago, make sure that you’re not teeing yourself up to get left behind. (Source)

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Posted: October 9th, 2011
at 11:40am by mnp

Categories: quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

"It was two in the morning. I was living in Orange County at the time and was asleep with my wife. My two-year-old at the time was in another room. I opened my eyes and there was a naked man wearing my leather jacket eating a Fudgesicle in front of my bed. I know it sounds funny … but it was horrifying."


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Posted: September 19th, 2011
at 10:44am by Black Ock

Categories: quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

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For the past 4 years or so, I’ve worked without ever having a clock in sight. I don’t wear a watch, I removed the clock from the menu bar of my computer, and I cover up any clocks I can’t remove. I realized that watching the clock, even subconsciously, is stressful. You’re always aware of the time ticking by, wondering if you’re getting enough done or if it’s time to eat lunch yet. But you can’t fully focus if part of your mind is keeping track of the time, so I decided to experiment by going clockless. Four years later, and there is no going back. Sure, sometimes I accidentally forget to eat lunch, or stay up until 3am when I meant to go to bed at 10pm, but I think of that as a feature, not a bug. If I was able to skip those things without noticing, I was probably in the zone, and 3 hours of zone time is equivalent to about 8 hours of fractured time, so it’s well worth the trade. via

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Posted: June 7th, 2011
at 10:20pm by mnp

Categories: quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

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"Mediocrity"? I agree for the most part, but Myslewski makes it sound as though the only reason the iPad dominates the tablet-market is because everyone is merely jumping on the Apple bandwagon. What makes Apple great, however, is not that it lacks interest in specs, as if it neglects these elements. Apple does not ignoretechnical specifications, rather it chooses to forgo the latest, fastest technology in the spirit of maintaining other elements of the user experience, such as its virtually unrivaled battery life. via

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Posted: June 5th, 2011
at 11:48am by mnp

Categories: quote of the day

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Quote of the Day

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It is never too late to rediscover your calling… via

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Posted: June 4th, 2011
at 12:36pm by mnp

Categories: quote of the day

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