Archive for the ‘gear’ Category


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Posted: January 20th, 2012
at 6:10am by mnp

Categories: gear

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iPad Flora Terrarium

: Continue reading :

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Posted: January 6th, 2012
at 8:23pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,apple,green,gear,11th dan

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Puma-Toitoy Shoes

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Posted: January 4th, 2012
at 1:56pm by mnp

Categories: gear

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Carpet Skates

Buy here for $14.99

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Posted: December 23rd, 2011
at 1:08pm by mnp

Categories: gear,ninjas are everyehere

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giftee is an online service where you can send a small ‘thank you’ through small gifts by Twitter, Facebook, and email. read on

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Posted: December 22nd, 2011
at 2:31pm by mnp

Categories: gear

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OAT Shoes

OAT Shoes are biodegradable sneakers that carry flowers in the tongue of the shoe. Once you wear them, or rather once you’re done wearing them, you can bury them in the ground and have a bouquet of wildflowers growing where your sneakers are buried. : Continue reading :

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Posted: November 4th, 2011
at 9:07pm by mnp

Categories: green,gear,design,innovation,11th dan

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Reinventing the Shipping Container Part 12

If you are as passionate as we are about shipping containers, then this might be good for you, if you can’t afford a shipyard.

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Posted: October 15th, 2011
at 3:49pm by mnp

Categories: gear

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Nike does Back to the Future

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I bet you they WON’T get you laid, though.

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Posted: September 9th, 2011
at 3:25pm by Black Ock

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Categories: too good to be true,clothes,gear

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Going Barefoot

Bare feet, they say, is best for the body: better for posture and better for the foot in all its muscled complexity. Bare feet may also be better for the brain, which especially intrigues me. Bare feet, the theory goes, send lots of stimulating information to the brain. Shoe-covered feet have comparatively little to say to the brain causing nervous-system atrophy. (Source)

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Posted: August 16th, 2011
at 6:37am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,gear,science,"ninja"

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