Scientific American Gives Us 15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense

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Some "good" creationist arguments:

1. Evolution is only a theory. It is not a fact or a scientific law.

3. Evolution is unscientific, because it is not testable or falsifiable. It makes claims about events that were not observed and can never be re-created.

6. If humans descended from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?

12. Nobody has ever seen a new species evolve.

You want the answers, you say? Well check out the article at Scientific American.

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 5:51pm

Categories: life

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Dope Chair Made From a Single Plank of Wood

Ight, so I know I already peeped the crazy expensive coathangers from sixixis, but this chair is too ill to ignore.

"The Lounge Daddya€™s dynamic, curved form is made out of one three and half metre plank of Cornish Ash and supported by Cornish Oak slats. It is a true reflection of what can be achieved using our new innovative steam bending techniques."

Check it out at sixixis
via cribcandy

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 5:42pm

Categories: bling,art

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Although Ninjas are Better than pirates…

It’s a modern-day treasure hunt, led by technology beyond a pirate’s wildest dreams - and the treasure is stashed across the world. The game known as geocaching (pronounced geo-cashing), has been steadily growing in popularity and has captured the interest of many would-be adventurers.

The rules of the game are simple: look up coordinates on the Internet that act as a map to a "treasure," then go find it.

The game itself, however, gets a bit more complicated.

Full article via: BYU News Net
Stayed tuned for the myninjaplease geocaching contest!

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 5:02pm

Categories: myninjaplease

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Compostable cups, what you know about that?

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters have announced the Ecotainer, a cup made with a corn-based liner which can be returned to the Earth to make soil. I’m glad someone’s thinking!


"Why did they bother? Because in 2005, ‘Americans used and discarded 14.4 billion disposable paper cups for hot beverages. If put end-to-end, those cups would circle the earth 55 times. Based on anticipated growth of specialty coffees, that number will grow to 23 billion by 2010a€"enough to circle the globe 88 times.'"

full article via treehugger

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 4:42pm

Categories: life,green

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NASA UPDATE: Spatula Dangerously Close to Re-entering Atmosphere, Chef Nowhere to be Found

"It’s gone, gone, gone," Sellers lamented as the 14-inch putty knife slipped over the starboard side of the shuttle about halfway into the 7-hour, 11-minute spacewalk. Now if a ninja was up there, that would have never happened.

While cooking up disks of black goo on the sun-facing surface of a space craft, an astronaut accidentally lost control of his utensil which was sucked into the vaccuum of space.AA The adhesive caulking material, abbreviated NOAX, is currently in trial mode.AA Scientists hope that the material can serve as a way for astronauts to perform mission critical repairs on cracks and dings (and key marks) on space shuttles while in orbit.AA Flight Director Tony Ceccacci said later that Discovery Mission Commander Steven W. Lindsey tracked the "escaped spatula" as it meandered into the void and that it posed "no hazard to us."AA We here at myninjaplease are certainly glad that human life on earth is once again safe, even while fearing that the spatula may be put to more nefarious uses by inhabitants of other planets.AA Word, like gromlets, son.

Full Article

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 4:12pm

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Shoulda Not Messed With Slapaho Tribe

Wile E. Jack Abramoff is up too his old tricks again. This time he’s getting sued by a Native American Tribe for the closing of their casino as a result of racketeering, fraud and generally being a bad, bad man. Check it out.

It comes from Fox News…so it could be fake.

Full Article

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 4:12pm

Categories: life,crime

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F**K a mouse and keyboard, control it with your mind, son!

A 25-year-old paralyzed man has been able to move a cursor across the screen, open his e-mail and control a robot using only his mind… OK, well he has a new type of brain sensor, called the BrainGate sensor, implanted in his head, but it’s still pretty good. Just imagine what it’ll be like a few years from now!


"The scientists implanted a tiny silicon chip with 100 electrodes into an area of the brain responsible for movement. The activity of the cells was recorded and sent to a computer which translated the commands and enabled the patient to move and control the external device."

Full article on Reuters

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 3:47pm

Categories: computers,life

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Can’t Ditch Your Records Because You Love the Cover Art?

Well check out the I-Deck… An English designer who was missing the olden days put together this touchscreen iPod dock which somewhat resembles an oldschool phonograph. Once you’ve docked your pod, you can control it via the touchscreen, which also displays the cover art. Now that’s gangsta!

via thecoolhunter

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 3:43pm

Categories: music,art,apple

Comments: 1 comment

The Fruit of Philosphy

Beautiful photos of what happens when art and Nietzsche collide…

via Art MoCo

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Posted: July 14th, 2006
at 3:15pm

Categories: life,art,photo,contemporary

Comments: 1 comment