Allen Vandevers art post "Deep Water"
Deep Water Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever
This dream takes place far beneath the surface of the water. The time of day makes no difference at this vast depth, but the little light that does penetrate the gloom, refracts the density of colors hidden in the shadows of the deep. I feel the freedom of weightless flight as I swim; there is no worry of drowning. I am calm in the silence of the dark, surrounded by endless forms flashing before my eyes as the faint glimmers of light bounce off the infinitely undulating rivulets. They reveal numerous curvatures, colors, and images in their refraction. Faces all too familiar or unknown, bodies beautiful and obscured, liberated and united in fluid wandering. Some of the faces look directly into the observer, attempting to draw him/her into this watery dream, made warm by the pulse of the human heart weaved throughout the piece like crimson capillaries.
Though the majority of this piece is comprised of dark tones and shades, the bursts of bright color and light make the piece seem equally luminescent. This theme of associating new meaning to preconceived ideas is one that is discussed in all my pieces. Some may call is Nihilistic, but if one understands Nihilism at all, he would know not to call it that. There is no enclosure to the piece besides the canvas that exhibits this portion of the larger, unseen image of the dream, so that the dream itself has no beginning, nor end, for as a dream its existence is sporadic and random, much like our experiences in reality if we allow them to be.
Posted: October 31st, 2009
at 1:25pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with art, allen vandever, painting, acrylic, modern, dream, water, contemporary, epoxy resin, beauty
Categories: art,contemporary,art theory
Comments: 6 comments
fabric 8 presents Tri-Product
Join fabric8 next Friday, November 6, 7-10PM in San Francisco, for the opening of their latest exhibition, Tri-Product, a three-man show featuring the works for Brett Amory, Adam Caldwell, and David Choong Lee.
These traditionally-trained, abundantly-talented painters will be showcasing their individual styles of abstract realism in what’s guaranteed to be a mind-blowing collection.
Posted: October 30th, 2009
at 9:35pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with Brett Amory, fabric8, tri-product, Adam Caldwell, David Choong Lee
Categories: contemporary,events
Comments: 1 comment
NYC Century Bike Tour
The New York City Century Bike Tour is a ride to be proud of. You’ll be part of a select group of cyclists who are ready for the adventure of riding in New York City. Proceeds from the tour benefit the bicycling advocacy of Transportation Alternatives. By riding in the New York City Century Bike Tour you’re helping make the streets safer for cycling all year round.
During the first years of the tour New York had few greenways and bike lanes. Over the course of the last twenty years, the NYC greenway system has expanded, and each year the ride showcases this growing network, encouraging riders to use the NYC Century as a starting point for year-round cycling.
The first NYC Century attracted about 200 dedicated NYC cyclists, most of whom were daily bicycle commuters, fighting hard for better conditions for cycling in NYC. Today the ride draws over 5,000 cyclists a year. Of course most still come from NYC but many come from Texas, California, Maryland and as far away as Germany, the UK and Mexico. And many return year after year.
NYC Century Bike Tour is unlike other rides. The NYC Century works as a means to show riders how they can connect to different neighborhoods and boroughs of the city safely. To illustrate cyclists’ rights to the streets, there will be no street closings; cyclists ride with traffic along New York City Streets and must obey all traffic laws.
If any of you readers took part, let us know how it went down…
Posted: October 29th, 2009
at 10:20pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with NYC Century Bike Tour
Categories: bikes
Comments: No comments
Wind Sculpture in SF

Posted: October 29th, 2009
at 1:13pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: youtube,art,green,design
Comments: No comments
The Last Emp : Science Team…Go
New mixtape by the Last Emperor. This free download is mixed by the Bash Bros DJs’s (Concept & Mickey Knox) of Satellite Radio & the Mix Chronicles.
"Some cats might say Jay-Z or Last Emperor." -Mos Def in a discussion with DMX, Canibus, John Forte, & Big Pun (RIP) about the Greatest Emcee of All Time.
Posted: October 28th, 2009
at 1:14pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with concept, the last emperor, science team go, jay-z, mos def, DMX, Canibus, John Forte, Big Pun, Bash Bros DJs, Mickey Knox
Categories: music
Comments: No comments
Allen Vandever Art Post "Nymphs"
Nymphs 18 in x 24 in Acrylic, Epoxy Resin By Allen Vandever
A very personal piece. It reflects a time and place in my life where things were certainly "too good to be true," as I found out shortly afterward. Camping in Southern Illinois on a magnificent piece of land owned by a friend and teacher, we were surrounded by breathtaking views of forests, rivers, hills, and meadows awe-inspiring visions of nature, to say the least. It was a haven, an escape, a place somehow between decay and rebirth, housing the ominous potential for anything. Central to the piece is my partner at the time, beautiful and maternal. To her left, our lover, a young and adventurous woman, crouching playfully in the colors of the forest. This painting began within a feeling of blissful serenity, at the height of real love and friendship, when we had the freedom to embrace our true desires. Over the eight years of its process, however, this final product exhibits dark shades in the background, foreboding the drastic changes that would inevitably lead to a period of great despair and darkness.
I strive to find such dreams again, to recapture and to relive the essence of their realities no matter how bleak. They are surreal only in the way they occupy a time and space outside the realm of my current reality. They are comprised of the richness of their own existence, and I cannot help but to hold on to them a bit longer each time. I hope those that observe my work enjoy the way I see the world when I close my eyes, allowing themselves to be transported into my boundless dreamscape of color and real human fantasy.
Thanks everyone who commented on my last post hope to hear more great feedback.
Posted: October 27th, 2009
at 6:40pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with design, art, chicago, painting, Allen vandever' Nymphs, acrylic, modern, fantasy, dream, flowers, meadow, surreal
Categories: art,art theory
Comments: 2 comments
Art Theory: The story of One Thousand Paintings

The story of One Thousand Paintings - "The number is the art is the limit is…
This is an interesting take on the art market hope you enjoy
Posted: October 27th, 2009
at 2:21pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: art,art theory
Comments: No comments
Fighting Goliath: Texas Coal Wars - Documentary
So, happy Tuesday, lovely visitors. I’m well aware that it’s not Monday, making us late on posting our weekly documentary, and, so, I’ve tried extra-hard to find you something decent to watch before the winter TV push garbles your mind. I’d appreciate it if some of you ninjas could let me know what you think of this film. *Note: Mouse over the actual image and a play button will appear!*
Living Objects: Jason Krugman
"Jason Krugman is a New York-based artist focusing on kinetic sculpture and responsive lighting installations."
His work is quite insightful, check out his site.
He has a new proposal called Living Objects @ McCarren Park. It has already been approved by the Parks and Recreation department, all he needs to do is raise $5000 to make it happen.You can donate money through Kickstarter.
Posted: October 26th, 2009
at 2:33am by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with public art, Kickstarter, Jason Krugman, Living Objects, McCarren Park, kinetic sculpture, responsive lighting installation, public space
Categories: myninjaplease,contemporary
Comments: 1 comment