Robbery Attempt Foiled with Can of Applesauce


Wait a second.AA Not only did dude shoot himself in the head, but he also got whipped.AAAACan you identify the ninja in this situation?AA Hint: Motts is not a likely weapon.AA

PHILADELPHIA - A customer at a city grocery tackled an armed robber and beat him with a can of applesauce when he refused to drop his gun, police said.

The suspect shot himself in the head during the struggle, and passed out after the 66-year-old customer administered four blows to the head with the Mott’s applesauce.

Once again a disgruntled ninja opens a can… of applesauce.

Read the Full Story at: Yahoo News



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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 1:06pm by black octagons

Categories: crime

Comments: 1 comment


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  1. You think… I open… convenience store in middle of hood…. and not know what’s going on?!?!

    black octagons

    19 Jul 06 at 1:25 pm



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