Archive for April, 2010

MNP Presents: the DOJO : Episode 1

From a DVD magazine about art and music, the DOJO comprises 7 interviews with Chicago's emerging artists. The Single Helix provided the soundtrack.

Debuted at NEXT, part of Art Chicago, produced the mag and looks towards a second episode.

Interviews include Scott Thomas, Armando Perez, Allen Vandever, Christophe Roberts, DJ RTC, Qwel and Maker and Seth Kammueller.


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Posted: April 29th, 2010
at 7:12am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: music,art

Comments: 11 comments

Bono Voices WC

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The World Cup in South Africa is gradually approaching….

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Posted: April 28th, 2010
at 11:39am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: games,tele

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Starsuckers - Documentary

This is a documentary, released in 09 in Britain, about media obsession with entertainers. Supposedly it’s rather harsh and really good. We generally like to at least preview these things before we feed them to you, but this is the rare case. Drop us a line if you check it out.

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Posted: April 27th, 2010
at 10:42am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,documentary

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Who’s Got that Vocab?!?!A myninjaplease does!A We’re bringing this feature back to educate la gente.

Therianthropy refers to the metamorphosisA of humansA into other animals.A from n. therianthrope and adj. therianthropic, part man and part beast, from the Greek therion, IIIII, meaning "wild animal" or "beast" (impliedly mammalian), and anthrpos, IIII, meaning "human being") Therianthropes have long existed in mythology, appearing in ancient cave drawings such as the Sorcerer at Les Trois Freres.

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Posted: April 27th, 2010
at 9:03am by Black Ock

Categories: the column,who got that vocab?!

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Moustacheometer has a possibly life-saving moustacheometer via Pixelspread.A I get the impression that the only trustworthy person wears no beard.A That’s not exactly in line with the ninja code, but in lieu of violence we’ll let bygones be.

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Posted: April 26th, 2010
at 8:03am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,"ninja"

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Muzak Video Sunday 3.25.10

Late is better than never, my friends.A And oh, just because I have R. Kelly and Serge in the same post doesn’t mean there’s a theme, ya sick bastids.

Onyx ft. Biohazard - Slam

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Funkadelic - Flashlight Medley, live in Houston

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George Clinton - Paint the White House Black

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R. Kelly - Step in the Name of Love

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Serge & Charlotte Gainsbourg - Lemon Incest

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Posted: April 25th, 2010
at 4:17pm by Black Ock

Categories: muzak video sundays

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Hawking: Don’t Talk to Aliens

"To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational," Hawking said. "The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like."

Stephen Hawking, since 1995, the man who has discovered more than 450 planets orbiting distant stars says beware of extraterresterial intelligent life.AFrom two-legged herbivores, yellow lizard-like predators, to glowing fluorescent aquatic animals they are probably out there, and they will probably take our resources if found.>

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Posted: April 25th, 2010
at 3:55pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,life,web,science,10th dan

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360° Inside a Stadium Demolition

click here to watch the immersive video of the demolition

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Posted: April 23rd, 2010
at 2:57pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: youtube,architecture

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Anish Kapoor’s Olympic Sculpture

Anish Kapoor has received a commission to constructAThe ArcelorMittal Orbit in London's Olympic Park, continuing his successes in London following a 2003 Unilever installation in the Tate Modern and a 2009 show at the Royal Academy.

The sculpture will be made of tubular steel and will be the tallest in the UK, rising to a height of 115 m- 22m taller than New York's Statue of Liberty. There will be a special viewing platform near the top, allowing tourists to see spectacular views of all of London. It is already being considered the monument of the Games for the East End.>

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Posted: April 22nd, 2010
at 10:11pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,architecture

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