about myninjaplease
First things first a big shout out is in order to proven ninja Dean J Robinson, without whose tireless hours of work on the redoable theme the look and feel of mnp would not be possible. Also thanks to X da pimp for his contributions to this about page.
What’s the matter with the internet today? It’s superfluous and crass. Basically, a bunch of white belts running around who never really reached 9th dan. I mean when you think about it, we must be the only ninjas on web not caught up in the B.S. What that means is we keep it real unlike that fake Gucci some of these other ninjas try to pass off as authentic Pelle Pelle. But we’re not naming any names.
(the ninjas inaction)
myninjaplease.com is a site that specializes in bringing you the best content on the motherf****** net while simultaneously disappearing in clouds of smoke and re-actualizing to cut down fake willies and dons across the earf. The best that tech, art, world news, and life has to offer is right here. I would say bookmark us, but really you should be making us your homepage.
Just in case you’re experiencing technical problems with our site, or if you’re not quite sure how to navigate myninjaplease, we’ve composed a list of frequently asked questions.
Q. Will the Ninjas always be at war?
A. OK, if you’re gonna ask stupid question get outtttta heeere. Ninjas will always be at war.
Q. Do Ninjas got gats?
A. Ninjas got gats.
Q. How elite are the Ninjas, or are y’all just fronting?
A. The Ninjas run HackOS on pre-N networks which they pump through high-def projectors in a room of vibrating flat surface speakers. ‘Nuff said.
Q. How old are the Ninjas?
A. If there’s grass on the field… well you know the rest.
Q. Do the Ninjas’ get tipsy?
A. Not all Ninjas, only Mel Gibson.
Q. Where are the Ninjas based?
A. We try to work in a decentralized manner, but we have agents on the ground in New York, Boston, LA, San Francisco, and Chicago… so check us out in your city, rockin the customs. Case in point:
Q. What is the Ninjas‘ weapon of choice?
A. Katanas, Throwing Stars, BitTorrent, Explosives, Google, Kendo Sticks, Bluetooth mice, Bamboo rods, Headphone Amps, Rubber Bands, Daggers… 6 million ways to die, son.
Q. What do the Ninjas eat? I heard ya’ll only like to eat plain rice.
A. Now that’s just plain ignorant.
Q. Do the Ninjas Sleep?
A. Ha, If we slept we would die.
Q. Do the Ninjas like to party?
A. Yes, we do. But we can only stay out so late. Ninjas got jobs to do.
Q. How can I get in touch with the Ninjas?
A. Throw us an e-mail at suggest@myninjaplease.com
Q. If I see a Ninja in the Street?
A. Go on and holla at ’em.
Understood? Ok my ninjas, step into the octagon.