What is a Portrait? Randall Okita Edition
What is a truly realistic portrait? This question inspired a project about going beyond physical appearances and attempting to render the interior world of a human being, through memories, emotions, relationships and personal story. All of it organized around a portrait painting metaphor: brushes loaded with meanings instead of paint would render a portrait using my "generative video painting" technique.
Posted: December 19th, 2011
at 2:34am by mnp
Categories: too good to be true,film,contemporary,"ninja",what is?
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What are Nootropics?
Memory, attention and creativity represent three different cognitive domains, which are interconnected and contribute the "mental performance" of an individual. Modern neuroscience has investigated some of the neuronal circuits and of the neurotransmitters and molecular events underlying the above-mentioned cognitive functions. Within this renewed reference context, some of the properties of the components of the remedies to increase mental performance have been studied and validated in experimental models and, to date, these substances are named "smart drugs", "memory enhancing drugs" or "nootropic drugs." (Source)
What is Neologism?
A new word, usage, or expression. (Source)
What is Design?
How do I get a huge hunk of metal in the air to fly across the ocean? I must design a way. How do I get someone to signup for my service they don’t know anything about? I must design a way. Both of the questions could be answered with ugly solutions. They could find old and archaic ways to solve the problems, but that isn’t what design is about. The elegant solution takes into account all aspects of the design. Taking the practical solution, the function, and adding the aesthetically appealing aspect to it, the form, and there you have a solution to the problem of ‘how do I?’
What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin transactions are stored in a globally-readable block chain. Each individual block contains a list of transactions, a proof of work (a partial hash collision that depends in part on the preceding block), a timestamp representing the approximate time the block was created, and some additional information. When a new block is created, 50 bitcoins are added to the account that created the block until the pre-defined limit of 21 million bitcoins is reached. Each new block represents a confirmation of previously stored transactions, making it increasingly harder to revert those transactions. Approximately 126,500 blocks have been created to date. (Source)
Posted: May 25th, 2011
at 1:14pm by mnp
Categories: business,internets,what is?,trade,innovation
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