Archive for the ‘events’ Category

Web Submissions: Vera

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Vera - Click to enlarge
(click to enlarge)

Lisbon, Portugal, December 2011. From the 24th of February to the
25th March 2012, Fabrica Features Lisbon will present Vera, Chapter
One, a multi-disciplinary show evolving around a fictional character.
Orchestrated by Kirsty Minns (KM), one of the young designers
hosted at Fabrica, and French designer Érika Muller (ÉM). This first
chapter, was launched during the London Design Festival in
September 2011 and is part of an on-going project.

Exploring a literacy approach to design, this exhibition will show a
surprising and eclectic body of work, including product design,
illustration, graphics and olfactory design, by some emerging
international talent.

Stepping away from the mass-market design approach which mainly
produces for the average and standard end-consumer, the initial
thinking process behind each of these pieces is a response to one
individual. And that individual is Vera. Vera is a fictional character
based on a series of photographs from a girl’s family found a few
years ago in a second hand shop in Brighton. This group of artists
and designers have been commissioned to respond to one image
from the series in order to create the first chapter of Vera’s fictive
and collaborative biography.

Vera’s material and sensorial world is brought into reality through this
speculative body of work. The exhibition room is her intimate space
into which the visitor is invited to discover an original series of
suppositional artifacts.



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Posted: February 28th, 2012
at 10:53am by Black Ock

Categories: art,design,contemporary,events

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George Lewis & Friends

February 5, 2012 | 3:00pm
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago
220 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago

International Contemporary Ensemble (ICE)
Steve Schick, guest conductor and percussion

Trombonist and composer George Lewis’ recent book, A Power Stronger than Itself, traces the personal history of the performers and composers that formed the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians, a group whose experimental legacy is vital more than 40 years after its inception. ICE presents a concert featuring music by George Lewis, whose own accomplishments put him at the frontier of experimentation in jazz, improvised music, computer music research, and trombone performance, alongside works of a younger generation of composers who have been influenced and shaped by Lewis’ pioneering efforts. (Source)

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Posted: December 27th, 2011
at 4:10pm by mnp

Categories: music,events

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Imagine Science Film Festival

: Read more here :

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Posted: December 17th, 2011
at 5:58pm by mnp

Categories: film,science,events

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SF MusicTech Summit 2012 Warm Up

Monday, February 13th, 2012 in San Francisco is the 10th SF MusicTech Summit which brings together the music/technology space. An entrepreneurial conference, where a meeting of the minds between culture and commerce will take place. What will be a proactive and conducive to dealmaking like conference, it will definitely be interesting.

Keep up to date with all the happenings by following @sfmusictech !

The current speakers are:

Jack Conte - Pomplamoose, Multi-instrumentalist, Songwriter, and Filmmaker, Nataly Dawn- Pomplamoose, Composer and Lead Vocalist, Ben Parr - Enterpreneur, Journalist / Mashable, (former) Editor-At-Large, Jeff Price - TuneCore - Founder/CEO, Kristin Thomson - Future of Music Coalition - Education Director and Brian Zisk - SF MusicTech Summit, Executive Producer.

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Posted: November 28th, 2011
at 7:53pm by mnp

Categories: music,web,business,events,entrepreneurship

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Keynote Speakers : Intellectual Jazz

Richard Saul Wurman, creator of TED, is back with something new, the WWW Conference (18-20 September 2012):

Simply pairings of amazingly interesting individuals prompted by a question, generating a conversation. For 10 minutes to 50 minutes. And so it will go - conversations interlaced with threads of improvised music. An astrophysicist & a microbiologist. An actor & a playwright. A jazz musician & a classical one. An energetic exploration of the lost art of conversing. (Source)

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Posted: November 17th, 2011
at 9:11pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,music,life,2 hours on the internet,keynote speakers,events,internets,innovation

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GigaOM RoadMap 2011

At the inaugural GigaOM RoadMap for 2011 conference it was a pleasure to hear influencers in the connected tech arena discuss the new standards that importantly are happening today and will be reaching mass audiences in the next 5-10 years. The value chain of creators and moderators is moving farther and farther away from mega companies (who are squandering to protect licensing rights) to small teams of personalized directional players in places like India. With advances in personalized human health care and easier to use industrial design, there is an increasing thirst for understanding how to humanize a super enthralled society from the waves of recommendations and gifting.

Jack Dorsey of Twitter fame, mentioned a Hakim Bey notion of temporary autonomous zones and how we are moving back to this facilitation. With a big problem being the creative itself, some see the cluttered world as place where a CBS can come out on top out of the muffle of the rising artisan movement. Om Malik noted that if you are in the media business, you might as well have something to sell… It seems as though we are moving from an ownership society to an access society, from a binary world, to somewhere in between. The uncanny valley was a topic of discussion as was the large amount of leverage that intellectual capital can have even for a small company without traditional merit.

Is the professional world going to trump the world of knitting? Is annotation of Second Life like book experiences going to shape future meta-data? The cloud is the mover here folks, and there is much to look forward to as we are still in early days…but will the canary begin to show some life?

Some ideas from the conference with, Om Malik, Mark Rolston, Richard Nash, Hosain Rahman, Matt Mullenweg, Frank Moss, Jack Dorsey- featured by

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Party for a Cause with Donor’s Choose

Philanthro is throwing a five city party (Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, New York) on 11.11.11 to raise money for Donor’s Choose to secure funding for $88 million in books, art supplies, technology and other resources that their students need to learn…

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Posted: October 28th, 2011
at 2:01am by mnp

Categories: philanthropy,events,education

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FailCon 2011

FailCon 2011 went down with so much failing, it began to feel good. Below you will find some memorable moments from some of the speakers at this year’s event:

Ethan Bloch of recently acquired, Flowtown, on business models

Joe Gebbia of Airbnb discusses the trough of sorrows and funding Airbnb while selling 20k of Obama Os cereal

Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures talks about how he doesn’t mind failing

Thanks Cass Phillipps and Diane Loviglio for putting on a great conference!

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Posted: October 26th, 2011
at 10:13pm by mnp

Categories: business,events

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FailCon 2011 : October 24th

A week away before FailCon 2011 starts (October 24th, 2011)- enter "my ninja" when purchasing tickets, and you’ll get a rebate!

Image source

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Posted: October 17th, 2011
at 7:35am by mnp

Categories: events

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