R2D2 Ghettoblaster
This thing is just awesome looking - and I want one.
So should you.
R2D2 Ghettoblaster -> via mishkanyc.com
Posted: February 27th, 2009
at 7:30am by orangemenace
Categories: too good to be true,gear,design,fo' real?
Comments: No comments
WTF is Watchmen?
Also, head on over to io9 to read about how 9/11 changed the Watchmen movie.
Posted: February 27th, 2009
at 5:00am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,film
Comments: No comments
Lego Cell Phone
Apparently Lego has teamed with Alcatel, and plans to release a Lego cell phone aimed at children [although, I imagine TONS of ‘adults’ would at least want, if not purchase, one].
The phone wouldn’t be all that modifiable - it essentially looks like a Lego product, and has interchangeable face plates. No adding to the phone from that Lego collection you still have stashed away…which sucks.
Posted: February 27th, 2009
at 1:32am by orangemenace
Categories: cell phones,mnp is for the children,design
Comments: No comments
Kinky Gramophone
I’m of the opinion that it would be much much cooler if it played actual records…but this thing is still pretty fly. I wonder how it sounds?
The Neo Gramophone by Kinky Form is an edgy polygonal update on the traditional gramophone. The angled gramophone features multiple speakers and a subwoofer with the horn as the bass-reflex tube and plays music via streaming or loading tunes via Bluetooth. A simple subsurface menu (reacts upon touching the menu area) provides easy playing, simple usage like the traditional gramophone.
The Neo Gramophone by Kinky Form.
Rather Unique
Yeah, this video some YouTuber put together is a little weird - but I was just listening to this track the other day for the first time in a little while, and felt like posting it.
Futura Wallies
Some custom Wallabees designed by Futura, via Sneaker Freaker.
Posted: February 25th, 2009
at 7:13am by orangemenace
Categories: clothes,gear,design
Comments: No comments
Anti-Theft Lunch Bags
This is just classic.
Tired of having your food stolen by sticky-fingered coworkers or roommates? Bullies taking your kid’s lunch? Well, worry no more . . . Anti-Theft Lunch Bags are sandwich bags that have green splotches printed on both sides, making your freshly prepared lunch look spoiled. Don’t suffer the injustice of having your sandwich stolen again! Protect your lunch with Anti-Theft Lunch Bags.
My ninjas, please.
.:anti-theft lunch bags->via thinkofthe.com
Posted: February 25th, 2009
at 5:35am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,life,too good to be true,design,fo' real?,health
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A New Internet? Let’s Hope Not
What a new Internet might look like is still widely debated, but one alternative would, in effect, create a a€oegated communitya€A where users would give up their anonymity and certain freedoms in return for safety. Today that is already the case for many corporate and government Internet users. As a new and more secure network becomes widely adopted, the current Internet might end up as the bad neighborhood of cyberspace. You would enter at your own risk and keep an eye over your shoulder while you were there.
Sounds awful.
John Markoff writes for the New York Times last week on the current state of the internet, and suggests that in order to ensure security and privacy we should ‘start over’. The solution he supports? A ‘gated community’ where you lose anonimity [read: privacy, fool] and freedom in order to protect your credit card numbers.
Sounds like a government scam to recreate the internet in a way that allows for closer scrutiny of the actions of individuals - trampling our rights. Not only is the idea that you can be ‘safe’ online hilarious [hackers, or whoever, will still get your information on a government run/controlled internet], but the idea that the government would do this for the sake of the common citizen is a joke. Say goodbye to torrents and filesharing, as well as any sites the government [or whoever ‘they’ put in charge] deem malicious / unsavory.
.:Do We Need a New Internet?->NY Times
Posted: February 25th, 2009
at 3:09am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,computers,life,politricks,fo' real?,real life news
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