Ed Lee - Too Legit

Hammer: "Who ate up all my apple butter?"
Do you think that Hammer lives with them, or they live with Hammer? Also, if I lived in SF, I’d vote for dude based on this ad alone.
Posted: October 31st, 2011
at 12:07pm by Black Ock
Tagged with ed lee, san francisco
Categories: politricks
Comments: No comments
"I will spend my last dying breath if I need to, and I will spend every penny of Apple’s $40 billion in the bank, to right this wrong," Jobs said. "I’m going to destroy Android, because it’s a stolen product. I’m willing to go thermonuclear war on this." #60minutes
Apple Maps?
Apple acquires yet another mapping company, C3, further fueling speculation that it will be replacing Google Maps functionality on iOS devices in the next 12 months.

Above is an example of the capabilities of C3’s mapping platform. Below we have a description of the company and a job posting from Apple. Check out the original source of this info.
C3 uses modern camera equipment to capture as many as one image per second of the same object from up to 100 different angles. The images are then used to automatically reproduce the shape of the objects with very high accuracy. After that, an image processing software automatically drapes each shape with the texture chosen from the pictures of each object. The same process is being applied for all objects - buildings, houses, trees, and hills - the result is a seamless canvas of 3D-data where the resolution (8 to 12 centimeters per pixel) and quality is consistent over the entire model. This is the secret to C3 maps’ realistic look compared to competitors’ hand-made and cartoonish appearance …
Come work for the team that revolutionized the mobile technology industry as it continues to define what computing looks like in a post-PC era. The Maps team is looking for a proactive and hardworking software engineer to join our team. Along with excellent skills in object-oriented software design and programming, the successful candidate will have real-world experience developing sophisticated user interfaces. Excellent communication skills are also a must, as you will be collaborating closely with Apple’s peerless human interface team to add new and innovative features.
Posted: October 31st, 2011
at 8:09am by Black Ock
Tagged with apple maps
Categories: computers,apple,business,development
Comments: No comments
Author of the groundbreaking books: Predictably Irrational and The Upside of Irrationality, made researches to support the claim that we are irrational beings. #fail
Between the writing for the tarot, the tarot class that’s about to be launched, the Beneath the Half Moon blog, and the painting I have to do for an upcoming show, I have confined myself to art slavery. Here’s how I have managed to not drive myself crazy. #schedule
Because such a drastic shift in attitude would require reprioritization and innovation at every level of our social, economic, and political structure, the only reasonable place to begin such radical alterations is in the classroom #No Child Left Inside
So that you can’t separate the neurological functioning of a human being from the environment in which he or she grew up in and continues to exist in. And this is true throughout the life cycle. It’s particularly true when you are dependent and helpless when your brain is developing but it’s true even in adults and even at the end of life. #Interpersonal Neurobiology
While it seems like many nonprofits are stuck in the past, they’re there with good reason. The past has former glories, holds what has worked and offers predictable models for success. It’s not that what we learned in the past is no longer useful to us. It is. But we can’t succeed with just history books. We need a more thorough education. #sentiment