Archive for the ‘celebrity’ Category

Quote of the Day

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Mark Wahlberg engages in a bit of buffoonery:

If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn’t have went down like it did. There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying, ‘OK, we’re going to land somewhere safely, don’t worry.’ :: read more ::


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Posted: January 19th, 2012
at 4:31pm by Black Ock

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Categories: celebrity,quote of the day

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Don Cheadle is… Captain Planet

Complete with greenface and all.

Don Cheadle is Captain Planet from Don Cheadle

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Posted: September 3rd, 2011
at 5:00pm by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,celebrity,fo' real?

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Behaving Like "The Apprentice" Can Make You Successful?

I watched an episode of "The Apprentice".

For those who don’t know - "The Apprentice" is a UK reality TV show where a bunch of alleged experienced businessmen and women compete in a variety of allegedly business-related tasks to become the "apprentice" to alleged business guru (and, to be fair, successful tycoon) Alan Sugar.

It’s horrifying. "Normal" business practise is presented as a mass of sniping, backbiting, and bullying from Lord Sugar on down. The tasks bear about as much relation to actual business as that dude in the bear suit at your local mall does to an actual grizzly.

And the contenders are both spectacularly odious - sexist, overbearing, pretentious, backstabbing - and incredibly stupid. Stupid to the point that a team of seven of them, in an entire day, couldn’t figure out what a "cloche" was in the context of a posh hotel. (To be fair, they weren’t allowed to use Google, which would have put my personal time on that task up from 30 seconds to, ooh, about 3 minutes).

And yet these guys and girls are all very successful in business. One had made 70k a year whilst studying at the same time. Another ran a not-that-small company.

: Continue reading :

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Posted: May 21st, 2011
at 10:55am by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity,business,tele

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My Ninja, Please! 5.3.11 : Royal Linux

If Prince William and Kate Middleton were Linux fans they would have done their ceremony differently… please! Click here to read about it.

Image source

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Posted: May 3rd, 2011
at 6:16pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,celebrity,mnp is for the children

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5 Kinds of Bloggers>

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Team Art! Huge Success in Miami

Team Art! hits the big time at Art Basel Miami.

Allen Vandever says it was every thing he dreamed of and more, an artist wonderland.

To find out more about Team Art! click here.

Pictured: Armando Perez, Mike Reynolds, Nunu Deng, Allen Vandever and Rachel Slotnick

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Posted: December 13th, 2010
at 3:23pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: celebrity,art,contemporary,et cetera,events

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What’s New? : Digital Afterlife?

What's New? covering what's new in tech…… we ask….

There are well defined legal, social, and religious traditions that come into play when our physical lives end that help decide how people remember us, and what happens to our property. Yet we also have digital lives, and their fates are much less understood and controlled. Facebook pages, Google, Twitter - all of these services exist in a legal murky ground after you die as most of these companies maintain rights to any public information you share through their sites. That can prove hectic to loved ones trying to tie up loose ends after someone has passed, but it also highlights a curious condition of the modern age: we may continue to live long after we die thanks to our online records. Are we creating a digital afterlife?>

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The Pleasures of Imagination

Why do humans prefer to be a part of unreal worlds?

One solution to this puzzle is that the pleasures of the imagination exist because they hijack mental systems that have evolved for real-world pleasure. We enjoy imaginative experiences because at some level we don’t distinguish them from real ones. This is a powerful idea, one that I think is basicallyathough not entirelyaright. (Certain phenomena, including horror movies and masochistic daydreams, require a different type of explanation.)>

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Starsuckers - Documentary

This is a documentary, released in 09 in Britain, about media obsession with entertainers. Supposedly it’s rather harsh and really good. We generally like to at least preview these things before we feed them to you, but this is the rare case. Drop us a line if you check it out.

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Posted: April 27th, 2010
at 10:42am by Black Ock

Categories: celebrity,documentary

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