Archive for the ‘peace’ Category

Informal Economics?

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Could the informal economy be the route to deliver the big sustainable development ideals such as the Green Economy, Millennium Development Goals and Poverty Reduction Strategies, given that its share is rapidly increasing and that the poor mostly operate here? (Source)

It’s unclear whether or not organizing informal economies would boost developing nations or takeaway…


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The Last Hippie on the Planet

Can we make peace with hipsters, oh world?

And I thought about how reputation always lasts 10 years or so longer than reality—which is why folks still think I’m cool, or have a life, say, even after 10 years (exactly) of working my butt off, sitting at a desk, staring at a computer screen, being thoroughly un-cool and boring five or six nights a week. (Source)

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Posted: November 4th, 2011
at 11:26pm by mnp

Categories: "ninja",peace

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Deepak Chopra Radio

Deepak talks with authors Joel Primack and Nancy Abram, authors of The New Universe and the Human Future

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Posted: October 27th, 2011
at 1:01pm by mnp

Categories: life,mnp is for the children,fo' real?,9th dan,science,"ninja",et cetera,blogs,health,philosophy,kilobytes,peace

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