Archive for the ‘unclear on the concept’ Category

Unclear on the Concept

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Posted: May 25th, 2013
at 1:18am by mnp

Categories: unclear on the concept

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Unclear on the Concept

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Posted: July 7th, 2012
at 4:27am by mnp

Categories: unclear on the concept

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My Ninja, Please! 4.10.12: Orioles Lose to… Who?

Baltimore Orioles manager Buck Showalter termed the event a "controlled scrimmage." The opponent used pitchers (including left-hander Tsuyoshi Wada) and a catcher from the Orioles roster. Major league stars such as J.J. Hardy, Adam Jones and Matt Wieters took only a couple of turns apiece at the plate and played about five innings. And the adversaries played for eight innings total, not a full regulation game.

With that context — perhaps you call it "spin" — understood, there’s no other way to put this: A community college team beat the Baltimore Orioles on Tuesday. (read the rest here)

What even is there to say here except… MY NINJA, PLEASE!

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Posted: April 10th, 2012
at 12:41pm by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,games,unclear on the concept

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Unclear on the Concept : Fireworks

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Posted: December 21st, 2011
at 4:46am by mnp

Categories: unclear on the concept

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Unclear on the Concept : Dams

This should be watched in fullscreen if you can…

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Posted: November 4th, 2011
at 11:17pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,green,science,unclear on the concept

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Unclear on the Concept : Public Schools

Temporary relocation centers, or rubberrooms are the inspiration for a new book called, Class Warfare, a book that is bringing accountability to education reform.

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[Teaching] is the only workplace, the only occupation, where by and large you are not paid, promoted, recognized, measured in any way having to do with your performance, only having to do with how long you’ve been breathing

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Posted: October 27th, 2011
at 12:55pm by mnp

Categories: myninjaplease,et cetera,education,unclear on the concept

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Netflix… You almost got MNP’d

In a move that can only be described as "semi," the CEO of Netflix (which I can only assume actually means the PR team + the CEO of Netflix) has decided to send out the equivalent of a correction e-mail to all of its customers.  You might have noticed this spam in your inbox this morning as you returned to work and the email barrage that usually coincides with such.

The problem with this e-mail is that it makes no corrections, but in effect apologizes for an e-mail about a month ago where Netflix explained that it was upping its prices.  To make matters worse in the confusion department, Netflix also decided to use this negative PR moment to announce that they are splitting their services (in a totally convoluted way).

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This isn’t the first time they’ve blown it, either. Or the second time

Here’s a tip, Netflix, or Qwikster or whatever the hell it is you call yourself: if you’re gonna apologize, then really apologize…  like give us a free extra month of DVD service, or one free rental… or SOMEThing.  If not, then please SHUT THE HELL UP and stay outta my inbox.  There’s nothing worse than reading an entire e-mail from Netflix and not getting anything free out of it.  I, too, was disappointed with the disassociation of DVD and streaming services - but I didn’t have a poor view of your company from an operational standpoint until you guys started getting out of control with these e-mails.  You know what’s arrogant, Netflix?  Thinking that you can disguise a marketing announcement as an apology, because you forgot to say it all last time, and not really apologizing at all - that’s arrogant. My ninja… I guess they’re lucky this week, because we have an even more ridiculous MNP coming up.

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Posted: September 19th, 2011
at 11:11am by Black Ock

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Categories: not ninja-worthy,film,unclear on the concept

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Unclear on the Concept

"Humans don’t seem well-designed for dispassionate intellectual discourse about domains that have profound personal relevance." (Source)

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Posted: August 11th, 2011
at 9:52pm by mnp

Categories: unclear on the concept

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