My Ninja, Please! 2.22.2012: Racist Against Asians
Just when you started to feel safe in Obama’s post-racial America. Just when you started to feel the settling of the new normal: tolerance, if not acceptance. Just when you almost forgot that a whole buncha people in this country are…
Let me start by saying that I don’t usually cuss on this page, but what the fuck?! The photo above depicts a headline that ACTUALLY appeared on I would like to know who thought that shit was funny. I totally understand that it’s POSSIBLE that this was just a mistake, but it’s not probable. How come every time a minority does something in this country, somebody has to call him out of his name and berate him based solely on his heritage. The shit is bullshit.
ATTN: Mainstream media, STOP RACIALIZING EVERYTHING. Leave that to us, please. Thanks.
So as to avoid having pun at anyone else’s expense, I’ll say, My Negro, Please!!
Posted: February 22nd, 2012
at 3:56pm by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,fo' real?
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Star Trek Apartment
For all you Trekkies… if you wanna go half on a house from this guy, lemme know.
No, this isn’t a still from the new JJ Abrams’ Star Trek film; it’s a flat in Hinckley, Leicestershire. After his wife left him, Tony Alleyne set out to create the ultimate bachelor pad, painstakingly turning his flat into a Star Trek set :: read more ::
Unfortunately, it seems that just today Tony has lost his flat in a divorce.
Posted: January 31st, 2012
at 2:42pm by Black Ock
Tagged with star trek, apartment
Categories: too good to be true,home,design,fo' real?,weekly ninja award
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Scientists Able to "Cloak" Time
Making an event invisible on the time scale? Scientists claim to have done it.
WASHINGTON - It’s one thing to make an object invisible, like Harry Potter’s mythical cloak. But scientists have made an entire event impossible to see. They have invented a time masker.
Think of it as an art heist that takes place before your eyes and surveillance cameras. You don’t see the thief strolling into the museum, taking the painting down or walking away, but he did. It’s not just that the thief is invisible - his whole activity is.
What scientists at Cornell University did was on a much smaller scale, both in terms of events and time. It happened so quickly that it’s not even a blink of an eye. Their time cloak lasts an incredibly tiny fraction of a fraction of a second. They hid an event for 40 trillionths of a second, according to a study appearing in Thursday’s edition of the journal Nature. We see events happening as light from them reaches our eyes. Usually it’s a continuous flow of light. In the new research, however, scientists were able to interrupt that flow for just an instant.
Other newly created invisibility cloaks fashioned by scientists move the light beams away in the traditional three dimensions. The Cornell team alters not where the light flows but how fast it moves, changing in the dimension of time, not space. They tinkered with the speed of beams of light in a way that would make it appear to surveillance cameras or laser security beams that an event, such as an art heist, isn’t happening. :: read more ::
This Bra Could Save Yo’ Life
The Emergency Bra, a brassiere that can turn into two life-saving gas masks for victims of biological warfare won the 2009 Ig Nobel Public Health Prize. It just went on sale via this website, which describes the invention as "an "Emergency Bra, Nursing Bra, Two Face Masks [and] Strapless bra."
The bra, available in sizes 32B to 40C, came as a result of Chernobyl. Seriously. :: read more at ::
Posted: January 14th, 2012
at 9:33am by Black Ock
Categories: clothes,weaponry,fo' real?
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IBM Innovation Predictions for 2016
In this installment: you will be able to power your home with the energy you create yourself; you will never need a password again; mind reading is no longer science fiction; the digital divide will cease to exist; and junk mail will become priority mail.
Posted: December 20th, 2011
at 2:13pm by mnp
Categories: computers,life,too good to be true,green,web,cell phones,home,business,whips,robots,mnp is for the children,design,fo' real?,science,"ninja",development,internets,bikes,innovation,cloud
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My Ninja, Please! 12.20.11: MPAA Pirating Music
This clip familiar to you? Me too, but there is something more amiss here.
Netherlands composer Melchior Rietveldt composed that ominous techno tune for a local film festival after being asked by anti-piracy group BREIN, who are funded by Hollywood. A few years later, he got himself a copy of Harry Potter on DVD and noticed his music was suddenly being used for much wider use than he had originally agreed to in contract. Which essentially means that when they say ‘you wouldn’t steal a television’, that doesn’t quite extend to intellectual property. [Read the rest]
Yes, the very same advert that you are forced to watch at the beginning of every DVD, the one telling you what a hurtful, unethical crime pirating would be, is using music that is PIRATED. My. Ninja. Please.
There are a lot of questions that could be asked here, but the author of the original piece asks the most important one for me:
After all, if they can’t even look after their own ads, how can they expect anybody else to abide by the law?
Excuse us, we’re just going out to steal a handbag. [Link]
Posted: December 20th, 2011
at 5:04am by Black Ock
Categories: myninjaplease,crime,politricks,fo' real?
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Virgin Diaires Trailer
Oh my God, the editing on this trailer is…
Posted: December 8th, 2011
at 2:15pm by Black Ock
Tagged with TLC, virgin diaries
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