I know all you ninjas are most likely up on your "gardening" skills, being ninjas and all, hehe… I mean, nevermind.AA Even if you been down with the Earfs since day one, you will most likely pick up some new info from this new book.
a€oeGardens that creep up facades, that nest on rooftops or squeeze into left-over spaces between adjoining walls or between a facade and the street. The contemporary gardens collected in this book are a cross-section of current trends, notable not only for their use of new materials and construction techniques, but above all for their single, shared characteristic: in every case, they are small urban gardens.a€A
Small Urban Gardens on Amazon
via mocoloco
…also known as the Pisolo from Modern Ethnic. These beanbag chairs are large for us big ninjas, and a bit iller than your average beanbag.
For real though, this beanbag for big ninjas don’t come cheap. Well? Try just under $1700.
via Cribcandy
Talk to my main man Denislav Stoichev at the Bulgarian Lunar Embassy if you’re interested. You think I’m frontin? Well funk you then…
When you cop your one-acre plot, you be joining some pretty famous land-owners. Among the crazy-ass heads that have bought moon property are Madonna, Richard Nixon, the late Pope John Paul II and some high-ranking officials at NASA.
Hurry up though, it’s fillin up quick. There’s only a billion plots left!
Says Denislav (What a name, by the way!):
"Most people here take it more as a joke, a funny present for someone’s birthday," Stoichev said, adding, however, "in another 100 years we might be living on the moon or Mars and I want to be one of the first colonists".
Welp, it would be good if you owned it first doggy! If any of you cats are into the idea, talk to me first because I got those fatty dimes of moon rock ready for the taking…
Read Full Story at IOL
In a new documentary entitled Apollo 11, Buzz Aldrin lets loose some secrets about the first mission to the moon. Specifically Aldrin talks about malfunctioning equipment, NASA’s witholding information from the astronauts, and coincidentally aliens. My Ninja, Please! I mean… if Buzz Aldrin says that he saw an alien, essentially as the first pilot to go pretty damn far into space I gotsta believe him. I just gotsta. He is gettin’ kinda old though…
We here at myninjaplease.com have done a decent amount of research involving alien sightings. Many an air force pilot, especially ones that fly missions through the outer atmosphere, numerous test pilots, and several astronauts have reported seeing UFOs.
One of the most well-known sightings took place at a British Airforce base in Rendlesham, UK. Check it.
In recent years, because of declassification legislation in both the U.S. and Britain, many records of alien sightings have been released. These declassified documents are available via government websites provided that you know the report number. They are mostly long (military required) reports of the sightings of UFOs… and there are literally hundreds. Low-flying ninjas are sometimes mistaken for UFOs anyhow.
Many pilots fear coming forward given that the standard miltary process involves psychiatric evaluation, and plus, ninjas don’t like to write 300 page reports, nahm’sayin? Ninjas ain’t feelin that garbage not one iota. I dunno, read about it a bit.
Aldrin Story via The Daily Record
What a game! Golf and ninja skills? Done.
Peep game at 13gb media, sun!
I dunno about ya’ll, but I’d personally still be a little bit scurred to drive one of these things.AA Monster-truck status or not, you could get beasted by a Geo Prism, papi.AA
Smart Car Mod via: TreeHugger
A glove that electronically passes secret messages.
This exemplary piece of ninja arsenal, The Secret Message Glove, was spotted in the wild on Engadget. We have no idea who leaked this vital implement in the art of ChAAhAA, but we’re sure it was the same malignant element responsible for the 1989 Area 51 cover-up. But either way, check it out. And check out the photo gallery of their Innovation Conference.
Story Via: Engadget
So on a recent trip back to my stomping grounds in the Beantown, I met this cat Mike who has a blog that’s strictly holding it down for anything ill, especially what’s poppin off in Boston. He’s got dope photos and all sorts of insider info. Peep him sonny!
The Brilliant Mistake
Having trouble seeing all those hi-hats? Have fun with this musical realization of the motion graphics of John Whitney as described in his book "Digital Harmony." If you fail to subscribe to the back end of music visualization, check out "The Shape of Song," which outlines composers like Bach and Glass.
Thanks to Ian.