Alright, so I may or may not fall into the above category, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about, is it?
This new iPod Shuffle add-on makes getting drunk while you bump your favorite songs just that much easier. I know, sometimes even ninjas get lazy. You don’t gotta tell me.
Believe it or not, there’s an animated demo.
the iCapOpener by Sergio Trujillo
via HighT3ch
The ad below is from an actual 1932 issue of Modern Mechanix.
There’s no excuse for a headache when you’re held captive as a sex slave!
Kelsey Brookes is a talented young artist, first trained as a scientist, who brings you the gritty grimy raw and awesome paintings you see before you. He has a gallery of dope artwork up on his site. Just so you patrons of the arts know, these are some of the milder examples of his work. Definitely go peep it and spread the word.
Maybe a little fiyur watur? OK, bad puns aside, I figure this would make a perfect addition to the watur and kind of give the site a Frank Lloyd Wright-esque falling-water theme.
The Hearthfalls are systems that you can set up inside the fireplace, but in front of the flames, that create a waterfall…that’s right folks, a waterfall, in your fireplace. Alright, I know it sounds a little silly, but what ninja doesn’t have a waterfall in their fireplace? I mean a waterfall door is so two or three days ago.
cop it
via ohgizmo!
And you thought the stakes were high in the drug game! Who knew that the insect blackmarket was a thriving industry? This dude is the world’s most wanted butterfly smuggler… He got pinched in Los Angeles International Airport with over $300,000 in butterflies that are protected by global treaties.
The feds spent three years conducting an undercover operation to get this guy (He would be a ninja, but ninjas don’t get caught)! Can you believe what our tax-dollars go to?
article via 3Yen
So apparently India has been having problems with monkeys acting way too gangsta; the monkeys board trains and intimidate passengers…erm… human passengers, I mean. That’s a bit racialist, don’t ya think?
The solution? Indian authorities figured the best way to communicate with the monkeys was to be monkeys too, or at least hire one as an intermediary. That’s right, for the past month, the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation has had as an official emplyee a langur monkey, specifically assigned the duty of monkey bodyguard. Strictly funky business!
article on yahoo news
via petistic
Match World, a museum operated by the Japan Match Manufacturers Association and the Japan Lateral Match Corporation, has an entire online exhibition of hundreds of matchbook covers from the late 1800s through the 1930s. The entire collection has around 30,00 labels on display.
Sounds random, but as you can see, some of the artwork is amazing, definitely better than the Red Sox lighters I have to resort to when I’m back home visiting.
visit the online exhibition
via Pink Tentacle
Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 4:12am
Categories: art
Comments: No comments
So on a recent trip down to Philly, my boy Mike from The Brilliant Mistake spotted these crazy-ass ninjas riding through the hood on horses. That’s it.
The Earworm Assault Devices, from Fur, are combat-themed toys that allow you to record sounds and then replay them to your "victims" via different methods, such as firing the sound gun, launching sound missiles, or tossing sound grenades. I don’t know, sounds a bit dangerous for me, kiddies.
via pixelsumo