Ninja Storm

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Ninja Storm- Play the flash game

From BrowserArcade

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Posted: August 9th, 2006
at 11:22am

Categories: games

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Almost as Ugly as the time I Split that Beast Open on Hoth

Looking like a freakin’ smurf is not neccessary or ninja-worthy at most times, except in the case of this rugged winter jacket that lets you store all your gadgets and weapons inside and then access them through an electronic arm panelAAAA It’s slightly more hood than a bat belt belt, yet less tight than an invisible cloak.AA You can click on the more link if you want but… not advisable.

Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted: August 9th, 2006
at 11:17am

Categories: gear

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Katrina, Ghost Town, USA

Time photographer, Thomas Dworzak, does audio commentary over his photos of Katrina.

We generally try to keep you all in good spirits, but this photo essay of the carnage of Hurricane Katrina is too moving not to see, and Dworzak’s commentary gives a more detailed understanding than the photos that emerged right after the hurricane.
Ghost Town from Inmotion.Magnumphotos

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Posted: August 8th, 2006
at 2:03pm

Categories: art,politricks,photo

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Real Ninjas all like reggae (obviously)

Dezarie was pure fire! Go check out the stream at the bottom.AA Annnnd if you’re that girl who I gave the note to (you know who you are), what are you doin??? Why haven’t you called me yet… and here it is I’ve been waiting patiently by the phone! And to my ninjas, the phrase of the day is "don’t hate."AA On me, or Dezarie.

Just a word to the wise: Dezarie is performing tonight (August 8th) at the Middle East. If you’ve ever heard any Dezarie then you know she’s tight. And if not, come check her out. will be there as usual.

I mean… you already done seen how we get down in the club.

Check out Dezarie on the web here.

Cop tickets here.

Listen to Dezarie here.

Note: The stream is a lil iffy, but it ain’t my fault, ninja.


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Posted: August 8th, 2006
at 1:46pm

Categories: myninjaplease,music

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A Perfect Complement to the Chair You Grew

grow your own

To follow up on our growable posts, we’ve got a growable table to join your other arborsculpture creations.

This table is different from the other growable furniture we’ve featured in that it isn’t completely grown from trees. Instead, the Topo Tabla has plastic inserts that fit into the tabletop and house root systems for plans that you can plant in the surface. Definitely jiggy, and now you can roll your trees amongst the trees.

Cop it at gnr8

via productdose

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Posted: August 8th, 2006
at 1:25pm

Categories: bling,art,green,home,design

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NY Rider Music

Premo and Agallah music video.

Youtube strikes again!

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Posted: August 7th, 2006
at 9:27pm

Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,music

Comments: 1 comment

Is It Your Space?

Interesting article condemning the mySpace movement.

Via the Prometheus Institute

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Posted: August 7th, 2006
at 9:25pm

Categories: myninjaplease,web

Comments: 1 comment

Lacking clientele? It’s all about craigslist, my ninjas!

Despite recent posts detailing the need to keep your illegal activities on the DL on the world wide web, contradictory evidence does exist:

The Seattle times is reporting that Craigslist has become a haven for small-scale ganja dealers, and that the authorities are essentially turning a blind eye. The article details how these entrepreneurs scour the site for people seeking the collie weed, and then email them and set up the transaction. As if this wasn’t sketchy enough for you, these distributors even place ads offering their merchandise in exchange for sex, and if you are a male customer who refers a female friend for such an encounter, the ad explains you are entitlted to a discount! The best part though is the DEA response:
‘Jeff Eig, spokesman for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s Seattle office, said the amounts of illicit drugs sold via online transactions are generally so small that his agency hasn’t specifically gone after craigslist users dealing dope.’

Yeah that’s right, Tommy Chong got arrested for his dealings, nor can you sell any of those Jerome Baker Designs "flower vases" anymore online without facing a DEA raid, but as long as you deal in small enough quantities, craigslist is your own personal dutch red-light district. Newbs, you now have a connect…
Ninjas, if you decide to meet up with one of these, I’d recommend wearing your gi and bringing a throwing star or two.
Scope the article here

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Posted: August 6th, 2006
at 1:28pm

Categories: crime,web,drogas

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Damn, Vista is gonna be the illest… psych! My ninja, please!

Just when you thought Vista was nothing but Windows XP wrapped up in a wannabe OSX interface, Microsoft demos the integrated "voice recognition" feature - well, it tried to at least.

You can’t watch this and not feel bad for the guy running the demo (well maybe you can - either way you’ll laugh)

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Posted: August 6th, 2006
at 1:23pm

Categories: myninjaplease,computers

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