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In celebration of their 130th Anniversary, Heinz is allowing the public to create their own unique labels to go on their favorite ketchup bottles.

Create here, read here.

From Pittsburgh Tribune Review

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 11:02am

Categories: grub

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Dont Hate, Fabricate!

Watch a video and read an article of how to build a backwards water fountain out of LEDs.

Looks as though I got a little weekend project.

From StallTheBall

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:59am

Categories: hood status,home,design

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They Just Need a Chuck Norris Cabinet Position Next

"Votes for the "Chuck Norris Bridge" had attracted 8,725 votes or 11 percent by Tuesday morning, just ahead of those cast in favour of naming it after Hungarian humorist Geza Hofi and three times more than for Szent Istvan, founder of the state."

One of the few cowboys to grace that can actually mess.
Story via Reuters UK

[Ed: That Chuck Norris magic card is actually killin’ me.]

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:57am

Categories: life,celebrity,too good to be true

Comments: 1 comment

Makes ya Question Democratic Rule

According to a recent poll published in the Washington Post, 30% of Americans were unable to identify in what year the 9/11 attacks occurred! Don’t believe me? Read the article here

Actually, we here at myninjaplease do believe that all ninjas should have a say in their government (in actuality, not just in theory), but between this poll, and the one from less than a month ago that showed that 50% of Americans still believe Saddam Hussein had WMDs, it is evident that Americans definitely need a higher degree of civic awareness.

[Ed: In all fairness to the masses, only 36% of Americans believed Saddam had WMD last year (still not a stellar figure) - the bump in poll numbers was likely due to some recent masquerading by a few members of the GOP who attempted to claim that some old, nonfunctional, mustard gas shells that were found in Iraq justified the whole escapade over there (I know, you thought they said finding WMD didn’t matter because it was all about freedom and democracy, but hey, even congressmen can be indecisive when it’s convenient). Fox "News" diligently repeated the talking point over and over again, as one could have predicted - proof again, that if you repeat anything enough on TV, people will regard it as fact…]

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:46am

Categories: politricks

Comments: 2 comments

This Joint needs a Smokescreen… then it’ll be straight

Duetschland yet again comes through with another tight whip.AA This is the Loremo AG, a car that is going to make its debut at the upcoming auto show in Geneva, and due to be on sale in Europe as a 2009 model.AA Using no fancy hybrid or fuel cell drivetrains, this stylish little bugger gets an impressive 157mpg or 87mpg depending on which model you buy, the LS or the GT.AA With a starting price of just 11,000 euros, you’ll get impressive aerodynamics, an incredibly low curb weight (under 1000 lbs), and a tiny two or three cylinder diesel engine.

I had been thinking of coppin’ a M-1 Abrams tank to put all those SUV-driving soccer mom’s and rappers in their place and show them who’s the realest ninja of them all, but now I don’t know, a Loremo AG would look real tiiiiiiight rollin on some 24’s.AA

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 10:33am

Categories: bling,green,whips

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Disgruntled about your Boss?

Freddie Mize - Angry Boss - www.myninjaplease.com

Angry at your boss but afraid to voice your opinion in the office? We feel you, son! Especially because our boss is wildin’ out. Well if you are, we’ve got the just the site for you. Bossbitching.com lets you let it all out. Although you might wanna watch out. Some bosses are just as ninja-ish as the next employee.

And if you happen to like your boss you can instead click the picture ("Angry Boss") and check out the dope art of Eddie Mize.

Original link courtesy of del.ico.us.

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Posted: August 10th, 2006
at 9:52am

Categories: life,art,web,contemporary

Comments: 1 comment

My Ninja Please! 8/9/06: Fatboy Strikes Back

Fat Albert.jpg

Basically, this is too ridiculous. During a televised political debate one pundit, upset with being called fat by his opponent, lashes out. Just watch it.

Notice how the ninja uses his elite skills to first disappear off camera. Then the chair just comes out of nowhere. Throwing a chair… if that’s not ninja-ish, what is? A well deserved My Ninja Please! for all.

This article was originally from ThePimpsCorner:
Read the rest of this entry »

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Posted: August 9th, 2006
at 3:08pm

Categories: myninjaplease,too good to be true

Comments: 2 comments

Is it Video Game Day Around Here or What?

www.myninjaplease.com is 7 time rock paper scissor world champion

A stream of games that have yet to be made from a contest. Quite supeeeeeerb!

Final Fantasy XXX
Grand Theft Auto: Sasketchewan
"In Grand Theft Auto, you can steal cars and make money by doing gang missions. In Grand Theft Auto: Saskatchewan, you can watch you dog run away for three days straight."

Thanks worth1000.com !!

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Posted: August 9th, 2006
at 11:47am

Categories: web

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How Many of You Ninjas Actually Beat the Game?


I know a lot of ya’ll out there are still playing Zelda and whatnot, which is all butters as far as I’m concerned, cuzAAI mean, Sh**, somebody’s gotta stop Ganon.AA And plus, that last level is a mofo.AA So for all ya’ll throwback ninjas out there, check out this cool blingin’ off the chainsAANES mod.AA Ok, carry on.

Courtesy of Gizmondo; Read Original Here.

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Posted: August 9th, 2006
at 11:40am

Categories: bling,games

Comments: 1 comment