The Pimp’s Corner: It’s Officially Official!

So our man X, who has had some memorable moments over here at myninjaplease, is famously the most-censored contributor we’ve got. Because he’s our ninja and we know he’s got some seriously funny ish to drop (and also just to stir up the controversy a bit), we hit him off with his own division of myninjaplease, the pimp’s corner.
Go peep it. It’s obviously the realness.

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 2:22pm

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,business

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Play Where You Wanna Play!

For the musical ninjas who are tired of lugging their huge keyboards around with them, a Japanese company has introduced an interface that allows people to play the piano wherever they choose for $130. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those musical ninjas so I’m wondering if they’re making one that’s a computer keyboard.

This thing does seem pretty cool though. For now, there’s only a 25-key version, but the company insists a full 88-key keyboard will be released soon and that newer versions will feature weighted keys. Now that is ill.

Article from engadget

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 2:03pm

Categories: computers,music

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Last Stand For Music

A great live performance from the Leningrad Cowboys and the Red Army Choir who sing Sweet Home Alabama. A destined classico.

The video from VideoSift

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 2:00pm

Categories: youtube,music,too good to be true,robots

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For All You Ninjas Who’ve Dreamed of the Third Dimension…

3D ninja vision

This weird looking gogglescope allows you to scan images…in 3D. The ZScanner 700 can digitize 3-dimensional surfaces with lasers and two built-in cameras.

No ninja should be without one; it can be yours for a low one-time payment of $39,900. Get in line.

The ZScanner 700 from ZCorp

via mobilewhack

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 10:06am

Categories: myninjaplease,bling,weaponry

Comments: 1 comment

New Madlib Record Just Over the Horizon!

Madlib’s new album, Chrome Children, which has tracks from Madvillain, Percee P, Jaylib, MED and more, is slated to come out October 3rd on Stones Throw Records. It will also be released as a DVD, which will feature a full-length concert headlined by Madlib and MF Doom.

Info obtained from Madlib’s MySpace page.

good looks stark

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 9:55am

Categories: myninjaplease,music,celebrity

Comments: 1 comment

Biography of a True Ninja: Dave Chappelle

The biography channel has a special coming up on my personal favorite ninja, Dave Chappelle. All of you know how shady this dude can be, so maybe this show will have some revealing details.

I’m gonna be out of town, so somebody tape it!

From the Biography Channel:

Peace to my moms for the heads up…

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 9:49am

Categories: myninjaplease,celebrity

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Babylon a Vampire

ninja vampire fangs

From the new clothing line Selector comes these ill reggae-inspired shirts. Keep an eye out for them, but don’t get this one because I’m picking it up today.


available at reed space in nyc or digital gravel online

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 6:10am

Categories: bling,clothes,gear

Comments: 1 comment

Conduct Your Ninja Affairs Outdoors!

ninja media center

It’s crazy hot in NY this summer so I’ve been spending a lot of time outside. I would have been all set with one of these. August is gonna get hotter, so feel free to get me one.

From the Lux Entertainment site:

" The ARRIS-WFSS is a free-standing entertainment center that takes your multi-media outside wherever there is a power outlet. Incorporating cutting-edge wireless media extender technologies, the WF uses Wireless Feed to stream TV, FM/Internet radio, personal video, slide shows and on-line services. With a 26a€A flat-panel LCD-HD screen and auxiliary inputs, remote controller, and dual weather-resistant, marine-grade speakers, you can enjoy the ARRIS-WFSS by your poolside, on your patio, by your spa, or wherever you want to enjoy the convenience of home entertainment at your fingertips"

The ARRIS-CF is the same as the WFSS, but "features an on-board, marine-based AM/FM/weather-band radio, DVD/CD player driving more than 150 watts of flawless power."

Get one at Lux Entertainment

via cribcandy

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 5:58am

Categories: bling,home

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Yo bra, hit me with two tigers so I can cop some nkauza for my cheri…

just chatting with my cheri

Say what? With the cellphone industry picking up steam in developing countries, new languages are emerging.

A Yahoo News article focuses on the lingo that is being created in Africa.

"MTN, Africa’s biggest cell phone operator, has published a dictionary of SMS lingo and is launching a campaign to teach poorer South Africans how to text message."

In related news, texting seems to be improving students’ grammar skills!

Yahoo News

via textually

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Posted: August 4th, 2006
at 5:45am

Categories: life,cell phones,business,language

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