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Allen Vandever art post "Shadow Dancer"

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000shadow dancer

Shadow Dancer Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

She no longer fears the light. She now revels in the colors being illuminated in her world in innumerable shapes and lines. She basks in its warmth reflecting off the contours of her body. She begins to dance, expressing the insurmountable bliss of this moment-this moment when she no longer cowers under the cold pressure of her shadow. She is finally at one with her dark celestial twin, merging their two worlds once rent asunder by ignorance and fear. She embraces her carnal sister and the world ceases to be bound.

This painting was not only a cornerstone for my work, but also represents a pivotal point in my understanding. This is the third version of this painting, and I find that with every version, I come closer to fully achieving expression of my vision-a vision of a world with endless capabilities made possible when we embrace all aspects of our beings-allowing our spirits to live, breathe, and create.


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Posted: November 25th, 2009
at 6:29pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,contemporary,philosophy,art theory

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Allen Vandever art post "Self-Punishment"


Self-Punishment Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

This painting captures a moment when conscious and subconscious thought, converge in a lucid-dream state. The forest is vibrant with life and natural splendor, desires frolic naked among the trees, but a ghostly oppressor strikes disguised in the colors and forms of our heroine’s dream. Disgusting girl! Your thoughts are depraved, vile, animalistic! So powerful is the sadist-translucent that we cannot escape its grip even in our dreams. This frustration, pain, and fear of punishment deny us the ecstasy of fulfilling our true desires. Often, it is subtler, simply preventing us from discovering what our desires truly are.

When I think upon the progress of Modern Man, I am mesmerized by our accomplishments, but through our society’s progress many of our values have taken on the status of rigid, factual nomenclature, limiting the possibilities of personalized self-discovery. This translucent boundary prevents us from freely creating and exploring dimensions for our own experiences, stifling our potential to bring further enlightenment to the collective conscience. As creatures amidst our own modernity, we cannot be blind-sighted by relative comfort; we must continue the struggle for progress. So, in my pursuit to bring this struggle to light, I embarked on this painting hoping to portray how beautiful such freedom could be.

Self-Punishment AAcrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever
This painting captures a moment when conscious and subconscious thought, converge in a lucid-dream state. AThe forest is vibrant with life and natural splendor, desires frolic naked among the trees, but a ghostly oppressor strikes disguised in the colors and forms of our heroine's dream. ADisgusting girl! AYour thoughts are depraved, vile, animalistic! ASo powerful is the sadist-translucent that we cannot escape its grip even in our dreams. AThis frustration, pain, and fear of punishment deny us the ecstasy of fulfilling our true desires. AOften, it is subtler, simply preventing us from discovering what our desires truly are.
When I think upon the progress of Modern Man, I am mesmerized by our accomplishments, but through our society's progress many of our values have taken on the status of rigid, factual nomenclature, limiting the possibilities of personalized self-discovery. AThis translucent boundary prevents us from freely creating and exploring dimensions for our own experiences, stifling our potential to bring further enlightenment to the collective conscience. AAs creatures amidst our own modernity, we cannot be blind-sighted by relative comfort; we must continue the struggle for progress. ASo, in my pursuit to bring this struggle to light, I embarked on this painting hoping to portray how beautiful such freedom could be.

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Posted: November 7th, 2009
at 6:10pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: myninjaplease,art,contemporary,philosophy,art theory

Comments: 1 comment

Allen Vandevers art post "Deep Water"


Deep Water Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

This dream takes place far beneath the surface of the water. The time of day makes no difference at this vast depth, but the little light that does penetrate the gloom, refracts the density of colors hidden in the shadows of the deep. I feel the freedom of weightless flight as I swim; there is no worry of drowning. I am calm in the silence of the dark, surrounded by endless forms flashing before my eyes as the faint glimmers of light bounce off the infinitely undulating rivulets. They reveal numerous curvatures, colors, and images in their refraction. Faces all too familiar or unknown, bodies beautiful and obscured, liberated and united in fluid wandering. Some of the faces look directly into the observer, attempting to draw him/her into this watery dream, made warm by the pulse of the human heart weaved throughout the piece like crimson capillaries.

Though the majority of this piece is comprised of dark tones and shades, the bursts of bright color and light make the piece seem equally luminescent. This theme of associating new meaning to preconceived ideas is one that is discussed in all my pieces. Some may call is Nihilistic, but if one understands Nihilism at all, he would know not to call it that. There is no enclosure to the piece besides the canvas that exhibits this portion of the larger, unseen image of the dream, so that the dream itself has no beginning, nor end, for as a dream its existence is sporadic and random, much like our experiences in reality if we allow them to be.

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Posted: October 31st, 2009
at 1:25pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,contemporary,art theory

Comments: 6 comments

Allen Vandever Art Post "Nymphs"


Nymphs 18 in x 24 in Acrylic, Epoxy Resin By Allen Vandever

A very personal piece. It reflects a time and place in my life where things were certainly "too good to be true," as I found out shortly afterward. Camping in Southern Illinois on a magnificent piece of land owned by a friend and teacher, we were surrounded by breathtaking views of forests, rivers, hills, and meadows awe-inspiring visions of nature, to say the least. It was a haven, an escape, a place somehow between decay and rebirth, housing the ominous potential for anything. Central to the piece is my partner at the time, beautiful and maternal. To her left, our lover, a young and adventurous woman, crouching playfully in the colors of the forest. This painting began within a feeling of blissful serenity, at the height of real love and friendship, when we had the freedom to embrace our true desires. Over the eight years of its process, however, this final product exhibits dark shades in the background, foreboding the drastic changes that would inevitably lead to a period of great despair and darkness.

I strive to find such dreams again, to recapture and to relive the essence of their realities no matter how bleak. They are surreal only in the way they occupy a time and space outside the realm of my current reality. They are comprised of the richness of their own existence, and I cannot help but to hold on to them a bit longer each time. I hope those that observe my work enjoy the way I see the world when I close my eyes, allowing themselves to be transported into my boundless dreamscape of color and real human fantasy.

Thanks everyone who commented on my last post hope to hear more great feedback.

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Posted: October 27th, 2009
at 6:40pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,art theory

Comments: 2 comments