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Allen Vandever art post "Dream Lover"

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Dream Lover Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever
This if one of my first successful dream paintings. I feel as though it accurately captures the essence of the woman who inhabits all my dreams, present since pre-pubescence. Her persona is amorphous. She is a confidant, friend, and ever-different but always recognizable lover. She knows and is every woman I have ever loved, so perhaps, the only woman I have ever loved. This painting is my attempt to express her divinity to the realm of the world without dreams. Often, I find her there, standing beside me, her face similar to mine, filled with the glow of every color.
Sono io in the feminine form, Beatrice herself, and I, Virgil. A self-portrait of a kind, an understanding finally grasped after further introspection and analysis. My dreams move me to paint; painting urges me to reflect through the pen. To write about such things is to lose one?s self in the silence of exploring the mind, exploring what it means to be a human being living somewhere within the expansive range of self and humanity. This sequence of events illustrates the importance of the process of self-analysis, also teaching us that knowledge is boundless.

Dream Lover Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

This is one of my first successful dream paintings. I feel as though it accurately captures the essence of the woman who inhabits all my dreams, present since pre-pubescence. Her persona is amorphous. She is a confidant, friend, and ever-different but always recognizable lover. She knows and is every woman I have ever loved, so perhaps, the only woman I have ever loved. This painting is my attempt to express her divinity to the realm of the world without dreams. Often, I find her there, standing beside me, her face similar to mine, filled with the glow of every color.

Sono io in the feminine form, Beatrice herself, and I, Virgil. A self-portrait of a kind, an understanding finally grasped after further introspection and analysis. My dreams move me to paint; painting urges me to reflect through the pen. To write about such things is to lose one’s self in the silence of exploring the mind, exploring what it means to be a human being living somewhere within the expansive range of self and humanity. This sequence of events illustrates the importance of the process of self-analysis, also teaching us that knowledge is boundless.


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Posted: November 4th, 2009
at 10:03am by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,contemporary,art theory

Comments: 4 comments

Allen Vandevers art post "Deep Water"


Deep Water Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

This dream takes place far beneath the surface of the water. The time of day makes no difference at this vast depth, but the little light that does penetrate the gloom, refracts the density of colors hidden in the shadows of the deep. I feel the freedom of weightless flight as I swim; there is no worry of drowning. I am calm in the silence of the dark, surrounded by endless forms flashing before my eyes as the faint glimmers of light bounce off the infinitely undulating rivulets. They reveal numerous curvatures, colors, and images in their refraction. Faces all too familiar or unknown, bodies beautiful and obscured, liberated and united in fluid wandering. Some of the faces look directly into the observer, attempting to draw him/her into this watery dream, made warm by the pulse of the human heart weaved throughout the piece like crimson capillaries.

Though the majority of this piece is comprised of dark tones and shades, the bursts of bright color and light make the piece seem equally luminescent. This theme of associating new meaning to preconceived ideas is one that is discussed in all my pieces. Some may call is Nihilistic, but if one understands Nihilism at all, he would know not to call it that. There is no enclosure to the piece besides the canvas that exhibits this portion of the larger, unseen image of the dream, so that the dream itself has no beginning, nor end, for as a dream its existence is sporadic and random, much like our experiences in reality if we allow them to be.

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Posted: October 31st, 2009
at 1:25pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,contemporary,art theory

Comments: 6 comments