Archive for the ‘crime’ Category

MY Ninja, Please! 7/27/06: Felon Skips Jail, Builds Apartment in Toys R’ Us, Then Robs His New "Home"

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The video of the presently convicted.

The video alone speaks for itself… My Ninja, P… do I even have to say it?

Props to Ian for being a net ninja.


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Posted: July 27th, 2006
at 12:47pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,crime

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Needless to Say, Un-enthused: Drug Pistol

Usually it’s about 40 to 50 shurikens and smoke screen before the po-deans can catch up to the ninjas. But with the advent of the "meth gun" (as dubbed on Engadget) things are about to get hella easier.

Damn, as if cops don’t point enough gats at us already, now they can test for miniscule traces of drugs. My guess is soon they’re gonna be pointing these things at us like flashlights.

Click the pic for the source press release.
Read the Whole Article @ Engadget

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Posted: July 26th, 2006
at 3:25pm by black octagons

Categories: crime,drogas

Comments: 2 comments

My Ninja, Please! 7/26/06: The Paris PD be Hatiiin’


I’m not actually talking about Paris, but rather Nancy, France, where police have made one of the most startling busts of the year.AA They managed to thwart an organized crime ring of crazy little ninjas, hell-bent on rolling the world’s largest joint ever.

Apparently these young dons were trying to register the oinj and actually break the official world record (Guinness, I guess) with a J measuring 1.12 meters… with over 70 grams of kind hash.AA But luckily Inspector Gadget swooped in, just in the nickel of time to foil the would-be blazed-outta-their-mind stoners. Little did the teens know that this is nowhere near the real world record.AA Not even close…. (nahmsayn).

"During an investigation targeting a group of four smokers in the eastern Vosges area of France, police discovered the giant joint containing 70 grams of marijuana resin. It had not been finished because of a lack of tobacco."

And if you don’t believe me, read the story @ YahooNews

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Posted: July 26th, 2006
at 10:18am by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,crime,drogas

Comments: 2 comments

Uncertainty about Weapons Inspector’s Suicide


A member of pariament (Norman Baker)AAyesterday challeneged a judiciary committee’s conclusion that a whistle blower weapon’s inspector took is own life.AA The evidence surrounding the death definitely seems a little strange given that Dr. Kelly does not fit the MO of suicide victim.AA The news story provides several challenges to the official explanation of the suicide.

If you were following the British news two years ago you will remember Dr. Kelly as the ninja who accused Tony Blair of "sexing up" intelligence in Iraw.AA Check out some of the excerpts or read the full article.

"Baker also said that paramedics who attended the scene where Kelly’s body was found in Oxfordshire noticed that he had lost little blood and was "incredibly unlikely" to have died from the wound they saw.

Police said that 29 tablets of pain-killer coproxamol were missing from a packet in his home, but all that was found in Dr Kelly’s stomach was the equivalent of one-fifth of a tablet, Baker said.

Volunteer searchers who found his body said he was slumped against a tree, rather than lying prone, as police stated."

Article Via: Yahoo News

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Posted: July 24th, 2006
at 11:40am by black octagons

Categories: life,crime,politricks

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The Hackable Election

Bradblog (Brad being an official ninja) has another great post about Mikel Haas and San Diego’s hackable election. The post claims that the elections in San Diego were intentionally set up with known-to-be-hackable voting machines. My question is, why the bloodclot would you use electronic voting machines?!?

For those of you less well-versed in our nation’s illustrious legacy of voting fraud, almost every electronic system is hackable, if not immediately upon creation, eventually. And I don’t just mean voting machines. From the alarm clock in your car to your computer. When electronic voting machines first came out I thought to myself, this must be a conspiracy. Furthermore, ninjas knew nothing about it!, meaning it must be a bad conspiracy. Very bad.
Check it out

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Posted: July 23rd, 2006
at 3:11pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,life,crime,politricks

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Croatian Man Fined for High Speed Film


Apparently a Croatian man took a video of himself doing a buck or a buck-ten down some backroad and then posted it on the municipal website in his town.AA The po-po’s were quick on the scene, slapping this ill ninja with a speeding fine.AA Check out the quote below.

"He was trying to be a hot shot. Guys like this may not know that the police scan the Internet. This is a warning to them not to play games on the road and threaten their own and others people’s lives," the daily quoted police as saying.

All I got to say to that is, My Ninja, Please!
BewareAAcriminals worldwide: The po’s are scanning internet!

Full Story
Reuters via: Yahoo News

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Posted: July 20th, 2006
at 12:28pm by black octagons

Categories: crime

Comments: 1 comment

Man Accused of Blinding Wife With Carrot

Now, when you’re in the kitchen and you get so heated you can’t even wait to grab a knife…don’t worry.AA Vegetables and produce are now acceptable ninja weaponry!
original story on CBS 3

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 8:47pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,life,crime

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Robbery Attempt Foiled with Can of Applesauce


Wait a second.AA Not only did dude shoot himself in the head, but he also got whipped.AAAACan you identify the ninja in this situation?AA Hint: Motts is not a likely weapon.AA

PHILADELPHIA - A customer at a city grocery tackled an armed robber and beat him with a can of applesauce when he refused to drop his gun, police said.

The suspect shot himself in the head during the struggle, and passed out after the 66-year-old customer administered four blows to the head with the Mott’s applesauce.

Once again a disgruntled ninja opens a can… of applesauce.

Read the Full Story at: Yahoo News


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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 1:06pm by black octagons

Categories: crime

Comments: 1 comment

Hong Kong government using kids in the War on Piracy!

The government of Hong Kong has enlisted the help of an army of young snitches to help them sniff out pirated software, music and video on the internet.AA 200,000 children from 11 youth organizations, among them the Boy Scouts, will be actively searching the ‘net for illegal distributors of digital content.

From the article:

"Tam Yiu-keung, the Hong Kong Excise and Customs Department’s senior superintendent of customs for intellectual property investigations, said the program should not raise any concerns about privacy or the role of children in law enforcement. The youths will be visiting Internet discussion sites that are open to all, so the government program is no different than asking young people to tell the police if they see a crime while walking down the street, he said."

original article in The New York Times

via slashdot

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 3:07am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,life,crime,web

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