The Hackable Election

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Bradblog (Brad being an official ninja) has another great post about Mikel Haas and San Diego’s hackable election. The post claims that the elections in San Diego were intentionally set up with known-to-be-hackable voting machines. My question is, why the bloodclot would you use electronic voting machines?!?

For those of you less well-versed in our nation’s illustrious legacy of voting fraud, almost every electronic system is hackable, if not immediately upon creation, eventually. And I don’t just mean voting machines. From the alarm clock in your car to your computer. When electronic voting machines first came out I thought to myself, this must be a conspiracy. Furthermore, ninjas knew nothing about it!, meaning it must be a bad conspiracy. Very bad.
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Posted: July 23rd, 2006
at 3:11pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,life,crime,politricks

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