Needless to Say, Un-enthused: Drug Pistol

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Usually it’s about 40 to 50 shurikens and smoke screen before the po-deans can catch up to the ninjas. But with the advent of the "meth gun" (as dubbed on Engadget) things are about to get hella easier.

Damn, as if cops don’t point enough gats at us already, now they can test for miniscule traces of drugs. My guess is soon they’re gonna be pointing these things at us like flashlights.

Click the pic for the source press release.
Read the Whole Article @ Engadget


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Posted: July 26th, 2006
at 3:25pm by black octagons

Categories: crime,drogas

Comments: 2 comments


2 Responses to 'Needless to Say, Un-enthused: Drug Pistol'

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  1. Let’s just be thankful the feds don’t have some kind of proctological attachment to that f’n thing. If history has shown us anything, pretty soon they will…. be sticking those guns up our cans that is. Keep a clamp down on your can. Keep it real… S A F E!

    NoGi Berra

    29 Jul 06 at 3:46 pm


  2. ahahahaha


    29 Jul 06 at 5:32 pm



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