Hong Kong government using kids in the War on Piracy!

The government of Hong Kong has enlisted the help of an army of young snitches to help them sniff out pirated software, music and video on the internet.AA 200,000 children from 11 youth organizations, among them the Boy Scouts, will be actively searching the ‘net for illegal distributors of digital content.

From the article:

"Tam Yiu-keung, the Hong Kong Excise and Customs Department’s senior superintendent of customs for intellectual property investigations, said the program should not raise any concerns about privacy or the role of children in law enforcement. The youths will be visiting Internet discussion sites that are open to all, so the government program is no different than asking young people to tell the police if they see a crime while walking down the street, he said."

original article in The New York Times

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Posted: July 19th, 2006
at 3:07am by Black Ock

Categories: myninjaplease,computers,life,crime,web

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