I really don’t know what this is all about…but you should watch it. I found it a little bit horrifying for some reason, actually.
Posted: March 6th, 2010
at 8:52pm by orangemenace
Tagged with video, music, my ninja please!, wtf
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,music,fo' real?,boredom killer
Comments: 2 comments
The Fibonacci Spiral
See now, had it been taught to you like this you may have paid more attention in class…
This right here was just too ridiculous NOT to be on myninjaplease.
Posted: February 23rd, 2010
at 5:41am by orangemenace
Tagged with photo, my ninja please!, fibonacci
Categories: myninjaplease,life,too good to be true,fo' real?
Comments: 1 comment
Boston Arcology
Say it with me now: My ninja, PLEASE!
Dubbed "BOA", for Boston Arcology, the project was designed by E. Kevin Schopfer as a floating arcology much like the one proposed for New Orleans a few months back. Capable of housing over 15,000 people in new apartments, condos, hotels, offices, and a new city hall, the ?BOA [Bank of America might sue…] extends as a long linear box from Rowe’s Wharf - supposedly in an attempt to preserve existing views and sitelines, while emulating the general massing of Boston by "exud[ing]a rigorous geometric format."
The proportions are, of course, based on the Golden Ratio - and the diagonals within the rectangular frame are actually meant to be a reference to the Boston Common [criss-crossing paths contained within the rigid boundary of the city].
What? It’s a huge box on the waterfront…
Posted: February 20th, 2010
at 6:30am by orangemenace
Tagged with design, architecture, my ninja please!, for real?, Boston
Categories: myninjaplease,home,architecture,fo' real?
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Explosive Art: ‘Big Bang’
Michael Marcovici is a Vienna-based artist who has created this interesting ‘Big Bang’ series of paintings [more paintings can be found on his site]. Marcovici has essentially created paint-filled explosives, which he set up so they create these dynamic spray patterns. A fine-lined grid is then drawn, to contrast the randomness of the explosive ink.
First I built the explosives. Then I fitted them in a glass tube and filled the tube with Rotring india ink, my favorite type of ink. For each painting I used one to four of these ink bombs. I attached them to a metal sheet or to a strong piece of wood placed on top of the paper, then set them on fire. That way, the works were created within the split second of the explosion.
Posted: November 12th, 2009
at 11:25am by orangemenace
Tagged with design, art, my ninja please!, explosive
Categories: myninjaplease,art,contemporary,fo' real?,"ninja"
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Finger Modeling?

This is just absolutely RIDICULOUS. I mean, my ninjas PLEASE - at this year’s Japan Fashion Week [9th annual], this was actually some kind of show/presentation.
Really, this should probably count as our Japanese Video of the Week.
Posted: November 11th, 2009
at 9:27am by orangemenace
Tagged with video, art, my ninja please!, japan, fashion
Categories: myninjaplease,youtube,gear,design,fo' real?,real life news,events
Comments: No comments
Foto del dia
Posted: August 19th, 2009
at 10:50pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with photo, my ninja please!
Categories: foto del dia
Comments: 2 comments
Vertical, 2D Living
I’m not sure that this is these two ninjas are still going strong - but lived 12 hours a day on the side of a building! Ridiculous!
Two brothers in Brazil are literally living on the outside of a building in Rio?s Old Center. Since May, twenty-seven-year-old Tiago Primo and his twenty-year-old brother Gabriel, have been sleeping, working and eating on the side of a building 33 feet up in the air for twelve hours every day. They plan to continue this display until August.
My ninjas, PLEASE.
Posted: August 13th, 2009
at 8:42am by orangemenace
Tagged with home, art, installation, public, my ninja please!, life
Categories: myninjaplease,life,art,home,architecture,fo' real?,real life news
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