Archive for the ‘Boston’ tag

Design Biennial Boston 2010

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Our ninjas over at the PINKCOMMAGALLERY are looking for entries of "design works that represent creative approaches and solutions to issues in contemporary design" for the first ever Design Biennial Boston 2010 exhibit.

A jury will be selecting works that they feel represent "the most significant emerging voices among Greater Boston's early- career design talent (including practices working in architecture, landscape architecture, graphic design, industrial design, and interior design)" for an exhibition opening late this Spring.

Applicants must practice in Greater Boston [so non-Beantown ninjas need not apply, sorry], must have graduated from a design or architecture program, must be presenting work that was completed independently, and must have been independently practicing for fewer than 10 years or 45 years old or younger. Applicants can be a team if they all meet these requirements.

The jury will include:

Mark Pasnik, Chris Grimley and Michael Kubo, pinkcomma gallery

Stefane Barbeau, Vessel Inc.

Beate Becker, DIGMA

Eric Howeler, Howeler + Yoon Architecture

Fritz Klatke, Visual Dialogue

Dennis Kois, Director, DeCordova Sculpture Park and Museum

Amanda Lawrence, PRAXIS and Northeastern

Beth Whittaker, MERGE Architects

Submissions must be received by 4 p.m. at the gallery on 12 March 2010.

If you think you’ve got the stuff, get some work together and submit [download PDF of guidelines and submittal forms here]! I look forward to seeing the results - and hope to feature some examples of the works chosen here on AMNP later this Spring.

.:Design Biennial Boston 2010->


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Posted: March 2nd, 2010
at 10:00am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,design,competitions

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Boston Arcology

Say it with me now: My ninja, PLEASE!

Dubbed "BOA", for Boston Arcology, the project was designed by E. Kevin Schopfer as a floating arcology much like the one proposed for New Orleans a few months back. Capable of housing over 15,000 people in new apartments, condos, hotels, offices, and a new city hall, the ?BOA [Bank of America might sue…] extends as a long linear box from Rowe’s Wharf - supposedly in an attempt to preserve existing views and sitelines, while emulating the general massing of Boston by "exud[ing]a rigorous geometric format."

The proportions are, of course, based on the Golden Ratio - and the diagonals within the rectangular frame are actually meant to be a reference to the Boston Common [criss-crossing paths contained within the rigid boundary of the city].

What? It’s a huge box on the waterfront…



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Posted: February 20th, 2010
at 6:30am by orangemenace

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Categories: myninjaplease,home,architecture,fo' real?

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