MNP Bump: Rolcats

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It’s not often that we return to a blog on which we previously posted, given the number of one hit wonders out here on the internets, but sometimes we do. One of our favorites has been "F*ck You, Penguin," which you may recall was posted here just at the end of last year. Part of what I like about it, I must admit, is that it constantly has new content.

The reason why I’m bringing them up is because they have apparently released an entire book of cute-animal-bashing hilarity. They’ve also got T-shirts and hoodies and stuff. All of this activity appears to have happened right after our initial post, and so shall henceforth be attributed to the "MNP bump." Anyway, this is a good segue into the point of this post.

Scrolling through the comments left on the site I found this cute little gem… a blog focused on translating the Eastern European versions of lolcats into capitalism-friendly consumer conscious English (see example below). This joint really had me lollerskating, and I’m betting Rolcats will have a similar effect on you. Check it out.

Commissar Markov has long been a loyal party member, but I fear his growing influence in state policy. Perhaps it is time to cash in a favor from my friends at the Kremlin.


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Posted: May 18th, 2009
at 2:15pm by Black Ock

Categories: too good to be true,politricks,10th dan

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