Archive for the ‘“ninja”’ Category


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Posted: April 26th, 2010
at 8:03am by Black Ock

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,"ninja"

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EMBIIMOB Training - The Blue Movements

EMBIIMOB is invading Chicago and they need your help for an art performance piece from Fargo…We posted the red movements earlier, now here are the blue.

This is happening April 30th at 5-pm at Caffe Baci (after NEXT and across the river) - check out their training page!

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The Details:

Definition: "EMBIIMOB is a platform allowing artists and performers to participate in or create large spontaneous synchronized events. EMBIIMOB performers breathe life into an artist's work… experiencing it as it happens… not knowing what to expect or how it will end"

An EMBIIMOB Event has three Key elements:

-A series of pre - learned 16 count dance movements.
-The ability to transmit these movements and give verbal instruction to performers without the audiences knowledge.
-A huge crowd of performers willing to succumb to the commands , creating a remarkable experience for their audience and for themselves.

.:Learn more here->

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Posted: April 19th, 2010
at 8:24pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,robots,contemporary,real life news,"ninja",et cetera,events

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Sign Language a 'foreign' language?

Twenty students are holding several animated small-group discussions, but no one in thisANorthern Illinois Universityclassroom utters a word.

Their fingers weave in complex patterns as they converse in American Sign Language, which the university has declared an official foreign language.

To the students, the new label is fitting: They say that American Sign Language is distinct from spoken English and that its coursework provides a new perspective akin to the cultural immersion they’d experience in French, Spanish or other traditional language classes.

"It shapes how you view the world around you," said Christine Theobold, a sophomore fromAStreamwood who is taking the most advanced sign class at NIU. "I guess it’s how you view the word 'foreign.'"

Continue reading at>

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Posted: April 19th, 2010
at 8:04pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,mnp is for the children,fo' real?,science,"ninja",et cetera,language

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MNP! Kim Jong-Il : Trendsetter?

The robot man with magical powers whoAis said once to have scored 11 holes-in-one in a single round of golf and was born amongst rainbows on the sacred Mount Paekdu is now part of a new claim.

Pyongyang’s official website is saying that Kim Jong-Il’s modest-looking suits have become a global vogue.

My ninja please!>

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Posted: April 15th, 2010
at 7:52am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,celebrity,clothes,robots,design,9th dan,"ninja"

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Ninja For Hire

The Wall Street Journal investigates the path and rise of the job title, "ninja." Over 800 self-titled ninjas are now public on LinkedIn- but is the ninja always a ninja or can they become a samurai?

The phenomenon started in 2003 and apparently really began to take off last year. Jinichi Kawakami, one of the last living ninjas in Iga, Japan, insists that "ninjas aren’t assassins and a real ninja must have stealth, intelligence, a righteous heart and patience."

Anyways, watch the video my ninjas..

thanks to orangemenace for the link

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Ninja For Hire

The Wall Street Journal investigates the path and rise of the job title, "ninja." Over 800 self-titled ninjas are now public on LinkedIn- but is the ninja always a ninja or can they become a samurai?

The phenomenon started in 2003 and apparently really began to take off last year. Jinichi Kawakami, one of the last living ninjas in Iga, Japan, insists that "ninjas aren’t assassins and a real ninja must have stealth, intelligence, a righteous heart and patience."

Anyways, watch the video my ninjas..

thanks to orangemenace for the link

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Muzak Video Sundays 4.4.2010

You could, in fact, notice a theme.A I assure you it’s totally coincidental.A NINJA VANISH.

Just a Band - Ha-He (this is some straight Kenyan ninjalry that appealed to me - so if you wanna know more, clicky clicky)

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Pixies - Hey

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Crucial Conflict - Hay

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Slick Rick - Hey Young World

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MF DOOM - Hey!

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Posted: April 4th, 2010
at 7:27am by Black Ock

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Categories: music,boredom killer,muzak video sundays,ninjas are everyehere

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Bhutan and the Modern Terma

St. Pema Lingpa in the form of Prime Minister, Jigmi Y. Thinley, a Penn State graduate and a former royal administrator and diplomat, has revealed a modern terma or hidden treasure for Bhutan and the rest of the world. Working with GPI Atlantic, a maritime think tank, the relatively new monarchy has come up with and introduced a new gross national happiness (GNH) curriculum into the country’s education system.

GNH rests on four pillars of value: environmental conservation; cultural preservation and promotion; sustainable and equitable development; and good governance, including the development of active and responsible citizenship. These pillars are divided into seventy-two quantifiable variables, designed to provide hard data about significant issues.

The outcome, said Thinley, should be:

"an educational system that is quite different from the conventional factory, where…children are just turned out to become economic animals, thinking only for themselves." Instead, graduates would be "more human beings, with human values, that give importance to relationships, that are eco-literate, contemplative, analytical." They would know that their own happiness was found in giving happiness "to your spouse, to your family, to your neighbours a and to the world at large.">

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Killer Alphabet

Check out this A-Z graphic alphabet, great stuff.

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Posted: April 2nd, 2010
at 7:14am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: art,mnp is for the children,weaponry,design,"ninja"

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