Archive for the ‘myninjaplease’ Category

Iranian Flavor

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Iranian ninja training video.

from trendpimp


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Posted: October 23rd, 2006
at 3:03pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,mnp is for the children,weaponry

Comments: 1 comment

Chevy Ad: Be American, Buy Our Trucks


As many of you know, Chevy is an American Revolution. I’m not sure what that means exactly, but hey, TV doesn’t lie, so it must be true. Next step in said revolution: use bits of Americana to pluck at the heart strings of consumers, and hopefully make a couple extra bucks. No idea what I’m talking about? Well, check out their new TV ad here [then come right back]. Yes, thats John Mellencamp, and Rosa Parks, and MLK, and Nixon…and everyone else. They aparently all loved Chevy. The ad also shows Vietnam images, Katrina photos, Americans working together to recover, and so on [the automotive blog jalopnik says an original cut of the ad even included images of a mushroom cloud]. Next they’ll be telling us to support our troops by running out and buying gas guzzling pickups. YEEE-HA!

links from NPR and Slate [if nothing else, read the comments at the end of the Slate article]

[good looks to Dubs out there in the big CT for the links, and for reppin’ MNP, whatup dubs!]

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Posted: October 23rd, 2006
at 9:24am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,business,whips,fo' real?

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My Ninja, Please! 10/20/06: Maybe babel fish wasn’t working

Remember when Chevrolet released the Nova in Latin America only to find out it wouldn’t sell (no va = no go).AA Evidently, Microsoft has fallen prey to a similar problem with its new mp3 player the Zune - apparently the Hebrew word for F*ck sounds remarkably similar to the name of Redmond’s ‘Ipod Killer.’

Nice job Microsoft, nice job

via ITworld

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Posted: October 20th, 2006
at 2:25pm by Pheezatron

Categories: myninjaplease,apple,business

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My Ninja, Please! 10/18/06: Teachers Up Their Shooting Skills

Teachers in Salt Lake City are learning to aim loaded guns in the event of armed students entering their classroom.

I’ll go out on a limb [heh] and say that while upping their skills they might end up shooting themselves in the foot.

"We train that anything is a distraction," he said. "Anything that you can throw. Your movement, your noise. We need to get out of this victim mindset. We need to get out of the belief that just because he has the gun and I don’t, doesn’t mean I have lost."

Wait a damn second! My dude, if he has the gun and you don’t, you have definitely lost. Ok, my good buddy? That’s when you need to get into the victim mindset and start crying or something, not out of it!

My ninjas, please!

full article at cbsnews

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Posted: October 18th, 2006
at 9:17am by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,weaponry

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Dorchester Open Studios

Anybody in the Boston area on October 21st and/22nd will want to check out Dorchester Open Studios, a self proclaimed ‘neighborhood-wide celebration of art in our [Dorchester/Lower Mills] community’. The event will showcase the work of over 80 Dorchester artists, in 4 studios, 2 galleries, 1 hall and a church. Ranging from performance work to paintings for sale, all who appreciate the arts will find something at the show that speaks to them. I know some of the members involved with the Red Dot Gallery [right next to/partly owned by Flat Black, the best coffee in town], and a couple of the artists who will be showing work…so support MNP fam.

Check the website, or call for info [617.839.6734]

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Posted: October 15th, 2006
at 7:12pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,art

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My Ninja, Please! 10/13/06: Spam - The Drink

Yes, Spam, the drink. No not that spam right there- Spam, the energy drink. The following is a direct quote for the theme song for this… relatively gross-sounding product:

"Feeel…. the energy….. spammmm."

We’re not quite sure what they were thinking from a marketing standpoint with this one. The company that makes it, Vandoorn Beverage, is a Dutch company. It’s listed export countries are:

United kingdom

I guess in places where they don’t speak English (like the UK) spam doesn’t mean anything bad. My ninja, please!

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Posted: October 13th, 2006
at 4:30pm by black octagons

Categories: myninjaplease,grub

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Friday The Thirteenth


"The doomed space mission Apollo 13, made into a feature film with Tom Hanks, was launched on 13 April at 13:13 local time, while a recent interpretation of the number has brought another interesting, if unsettling point. Several serial killers have 13 letters in their names: Jack the Ripper, Charles Manson, Jeffrey Dahmer and Theodore (Ted) Bundy all have this honour. In a strange coincidence, so do the words Prime Minister.
So how did the two mix? Well, we can return to The Da Vinci Code and one of the periods of history it highlights…"

background check at planetgonecrazy.blogspot

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Posted: October 13th, 2006
at 12:41pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: myninjaplease,politricks

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Space Invaders in a city near you

An anonymous French artist has been throwing up tile mosaics of Space Invaders [yes, the video game from back in the day] in cities all over the globe, including NYC, Paris, London, Tokyo, Los Angeles, and many many more. The artist explains that he is ‘leaving a gift to the city’. Whether considered graffiti, social commentary on media and corporate signage, or simply a crazy ninja obsessed with Atari, the lil guys are pretty dope.

Link via anArchitecture
Check em out, they’re both great sites

[for you more avid readers of mnp, you might have read our post on this back in august]

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Posted: October 11th, 2006
at 3:00pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,art,games,contemporary

Comments: 2 comments

My Ninja, Please! 10/10/06: No Spanish Witches in this town

We here at MNP like to encourage reading [as you may have noticed, we’ve even got you reading right now]. Especially important though are the younger ninjas, what with TV and videogames sucking up all their attention. So, while maybe not really the illest of books [I’m a Tolkien fan myself], the Harry Potter series seems like a good thing. Kids put down the remote control and pick up a book, stretch the imagination a little…no harm done. That is, unless you’re from Georgia [aparently], where a mother from the suburbs of Atlanta is trying to get the books banned from the library/schools, as they encourage Wicca and evil, blah blah blah.

Luckily, the schoolboard feels this is extreme, and would force them to ban other books containing witches and magic, so its a no go.

But theres more. Earlier this year residents of the same town convinced the library board to do away with the $3,000 set aside for Spanish language books. Why, you ask? Well they felt that reading material shouldn’t be provided to people who might be illegal immigrants [because, if you didn’t know, all Spanish speakers are fence jumpers].

While this decision was reversed, I think it stands as proof that yokels shouldn’t be involved in politics, democracy or not.

Article from Sci-Fi Weekly [odd, I know]

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Posted: October 10th, 2006
at 9:03am by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,mnp is for the children,fo' real?

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