Chevy Ad: Be American, Buy Our Trucks
As many of you know, Chevy is an American Revolution. I’m not sure what that means exactly, but hey, TV doesn’t lie, so it must be true. Next step in said revolution: use bits of Americana to pluck at the heart strings of consumers, and hopefully make a couple extra bucks. No idea what I’m talking about? Well, check out their new TV ad here [then come right back]. Yes, thats John Mellencamp, and Rosa Parks, and MLK, and Nixon…and everyone else. They aparently all loved Chevy. The ad also shows Vietnam images, Katrina photos, Americans working together to recover, and so on [the automotive blog jalopnik says an original cut of the ad even included images of a mushroom cloud]. Next they’ll be telling us to support our troops by running out and buying gas guzzling pickups. YEEE-HA!
links from NPR and Slate [if nothing else, read the comments at the end of the Slate article]
[good looks to Dubs out there in the big CT for the links, and for reppin’ MNP, whatup dubs!]
Posted: October 23rd, 2006
at 9:24am by orangemenace
Categories: myninjaplease,business,whips,fo' real?
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