My Ninja, Please! 10/18/06: Teachers Up Their Shooting Skills
Teachers in Salt Lake City are learning to aim loaded guns in the event of armed students entering their classroom.
I’ll go out on a limb [heh] and say that while upping their skills they might end up shooting themselves in the foot.
"We train that anything is a distraction," he said. "Anything that you can throw. Your movement, your noise. We need to get out of this victim mindset. We need to get out of the belief that just because he has the gun and I don’t, doesn’t mean I have lost."
Wait a damn second! My dude, if he has the gun and you don’t, you have definitely lost. Ok, my good buddy? That’s when you need to get into the victim mindset and start crying or something, not out of it!
My ninjas, please!
Posted: October 18th, 2006
at 9:17am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy,weaponry
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