Space Invaders in a city near you

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An anonymous French artist has been throwing up tile mosaics of Space Invaders [yes, the video game from back in the day] in cities all over the globe, including NYC, Paris, London, Tokyo, Los Angeles, and many many more. The artist explains that he is ‘leaving a gift to the city’. Whether considered graffiti, social commentary on media and corporate signage, or simply a crazy ninja obsessed with Atari, the lil guys are pretty dope.

Link via anArchitecture
Check em out, they’re both great sites

[for you more avid readers of mnp, you might have read our post on this back in august]


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Posted: October 11th, 2006
at 3:00pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,art,games,contemporary

Comments: 2 comments


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  1. […] Invaders on the walls and in your pants! […]


  2. […] Invader [who’s work has been seen on myninjaplease here and here] creates portraits from Rubik’s Cubes – My Ninja, Please! […]



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