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Did you know that you could tell a friend about myninjaplease by clicking on that lil’ link down yonder below each post that says "tell a friend?" Well duhhh. You can also click the appropriate icon to add us to any of the social bookmarking sites we have listed. If you would like to see more or other features let us know!
Read our RSS and remember, SHARING MEANS CARING, my ninjas!!
[Ed: this would be especially crucial for the post right below]
Ace Dickerson asked us a question:
- Ace Dickerson Says:
November 20th, 2006 at 7:18 pm eTwo questions. Call me stupid, but:
what is "RSS" ?
and what are the three little image link buttons above "tell a friend" ?
Well Mr. Dickerson (and I do feel dirty calling you that), I’m glad you asked, you un-saavy ninja. RSS stands for either rich site summary or really simple syndication depending on what ninja you ask. Basically, those links in our sidebar are the links to our RSS feeds. If you use and RSS enabled device (phone, psp, camera, screen saver, browser, umm.. bag of peanuts) then you get a stream from our site of up to date content. That way you dont always have to log in to the site to know what’s going on in the dojo, my son. Thus and therefore, get down on it, my dude!
Now those little goofy little linked pictures see come to us by way of wordpress plugin Notable which allows you to easily submit an article from this site to one of (in our case) three bookmarking sites. A lot of people use these sites to find web content. For instance, if you have a account you can "digg" one of our articles by just clicking a button? Good deal, right?
I hope that answers your question and thanks for supporting [tag]mnp[/tag], famly.
Posted: November 20th, 2006
at 4:55pm by black octagons
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,bling,youtube,computers,music,life,celebrity,art,crime,too good to be true,apple,green,web,drogas,not ninja-worthy,cell phones,home,games,clothes,business,whips,robots,film,mnp is for the children,politricks,weaponry,gear,grub,architecture,photo,design,contemporary,fo' real?,real life news,9th dan
Comments: 2 comments
Puttin Haters on the Map
interactive map of hate groups at splcenter
Posted: November 20th, 2006
at 4:40pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,crime,not ninja-worthy,politricks
Comments: No comments
My Ninja, Please! 11/20/06: Colts lose, Peyton Cries!
OK, OK… so… Any of you who were being particularly ninjarish last night, and watched football like a good ninja, already know that the Colts 9 game winning streak this season came to an end last night at the hands of the Dallas Cowboys. If you’re from the northeast then I would go as far as to say that this may have been the first time you ever rooted for the big D. Anyhow…
We all pretty much hate Peyton, so when he lost, we rejoiced and ate bon bons and all that good stuff. But, something extra frickin’ hilariouscame to our attention. Peyton Manning was crying. "Suure," some of you will say, "football’s number one all-time choker wasn’t out there cryyying." But I’m going to say we’re pretty sure he was.
First of all, they simply refused to show his face on camera before he went to the locker room. All the camera shots of him were from behind his helmet at awkward angles. The most you ever saw was a gosh darn horseshoe, gosh-darnit. Why? Because the NFL didn’t want their poster boy to be shown in absolute disgrace.
How you gonna lose to the Tuna, Mr. Dungy??
So where, you ask, is our proof that he was trying to at the very least avoid the camera? Feast your eyes on the picture above and notice that Peyton still has his helmet on. "But Oh Ho!," you say, "so does Romo, Tony Romo, my ninja, my ninjie, my ninja."
Well, my ninjerachi, of course he does. He’s also holding the game ball, DUHH he just came off the field. The rest of indie, barring the defense who was also just off the field (and even most of them) was helmets off! Good job Peyton, and congrats NFL on promoting the number one loserest ninja to ever make this site! My ninja, please!
Posted: November 20th, 2006
at 11:52am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,not ninja-worthy
Comments: 6 comments
The Right Was Right!
a list of mock at rightwasright
Posted: November 14th, 2006
at 2:42pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,politricks
Comments: No comments
Learning The Trade
Posted: November 14th, 2006
at 2:09pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,photo
Comments: 3 comments
En Vogue
Give it a year or two- Thai piercing and pain festival gallery at weirdasianews
Posted: November 14th, 2006
at 11:59am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,photo
Comments: No comments
Grid Lock
Well, Ahoy there ninjas and ninjettes! You might have noticed the fancy new wall of ninja madness at the top of the page. Basically, the deal is that each pane represents a different article. The panes are constantly changing (with our whims). The panes on the left side of the wall represent all the different categories available to you on myninjapelase. Go ahead and poke around a little bit and let us know what you think (
Also, you may have noticed a slowdown in posting. We are currently working on some personnel solutions, so the pace should pick back up in the next couple of days. Until then, browse the bejesus out of the archives! Peace!
Posted: November 13th, 2006
at 12:49pm by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease
Comments: No comments
Python Hunting
how to hunt pythons and gallery
from thefucktory
Posted: November 8th, 2006
at 11:30am by Koookiecrumbles
Categories: myninjaplease,grub,fo' real?
Comments: 1 comment
Chrome Children: Live Hiphop is Good for your Soul
iiight iiight iiight…where to begin? First off, its imperative that everyone reading understand that live hiphop, and I dont mean Luda or Hov [no disrespect, I have their albums too], but real hiphop LIVE is a therapeutic experience. Think you’re not a hiphop fan? Or not an ‘underground’ fan? Well, I dont care. When you’re done here go find tickets to a show, so you can see what I’m sayin, cuz it can’t be explained in this post. All I know is that hiphop speaks to people. So check it.
This post has been inspired by the Stones Throw CHROME CHILDREN TOUR which we here at MNP peeped last night in the Bean. Between J Rocc rippin it on the decks, Peanut Butter Wolf mixing oldschool videos [yeah, I said VIDEOS son] and Madlib/Lord Quas holdin down on the mic, I damn near lost my mind.
But in particular, we’re giving props and a big shout out to PERCEE P, a true ninja in MNP fashion. This dude walked around the crowd for half the show sellin his own CDs. He’s his own street team! I normally resist the urge to buy albums at concerts, but how can you say no when the man is sellin it himself? I had to go to the ATM between sets and hit him up after he went on [was SICK, by the way…ripped it], and bought his last copy off him. And talk about keepin it real, this ish was on a regular ass CD with the title hand written, mixtape style. And now I’ve been bumpin it all morning. ‘…lyrics worse than acid, what we got, scorchin hot, few drops for ya casket, skills are mastered, you bastard. leave you stretched out like elastic…’. Go check him out.
Lastly…know where a great place to act as MNP street team is? HIPHOP SHOWS [any shows, really]. Print out the flyer image and help out the fam.
Posted: November 2nd, 2006
at 1:29pm by orangemenace
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,youtube,music,too good to be true,fo' real?,real life news
Comments: 4 comments