Brian Bress - The Portrait Room

Thanks to Mike @ photohopeful.blogspot for the link!
Posted: October 22nd, 2009
at 10:02pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with Brian Bress, the portait room, Mike Reynolds, photohopeful
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D.I.Y. or Die: Burn this DVD
This is "What Is DIY?", the first DVD chapter (chapter 1 of 8) of the DVD "D.I.Y. OR DIE: Burn This DVD" (The DVD release of "D.I.Y. OR DIE: How To Survive as an Independent Artist").
This film is a celebration of the artistic underdog! FEATURING interviews and performances from:
Lydia Lunch, Ian MacKaye (Fugazi), J Mascis (Dinosaur jr.), Jim Rose (Jim Rose Sideshow), J.G.Thirlwell (Foetus), Mike Watt (Minutemen), Richard Kern (Filmmaker), Ron Asheton (Stooges), Madigan Shive (Bonfire Madigan), Dave Brockie (Gwar) and more.
Below are the 8 Chapters that make up this DVD.
Thanks to Mike for the link!
Posted: October 12th, 2009
at 12:15pm by Koookiecrumbles
Tagged with dvd, Mike Reynolds, D.I.Y. or Die : How to Survive as an Independent Artist, Lydia Lunch, Ian MacKaye, J Mascis, Jim Rose, J.G. Thirlwell, Mike Watt, Richard Kern, Ron Asheton, Madigan Shive, Dave Brockie, KittyFeet, Michael W. Dean
Categories: hood status,myninjaplease,life,art,business,film,mnp is for the children,weaponry,9th dan,documentary,"ninja",et cetera,diy,development,philanthropy
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