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D.I.Y. or Die: Burn this DVD

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This is "What Is DIY?", the first DVD chapter (chapter 1 of 8) of the DVD "D.I.Y. OR DIE: Burn This DVD" (The DVD release of "D.I.Y. OR DIE: How To Survive as an Independent Artist").

This film is a celebration of the artistic underdog! FEATURING interviews and performances from:

Lydia Lunch, Ian MacKaye (Fugazi), J Mascis (Dinosaur jr.), Jim Rose (Jim Rose Sideshow), J.G.Thirlwell (Foetus), Mike Watt (Minutemen), Richard Kern (Filmmaker), Ron Asheton (Stooges), Madigan Shive (Bonfire Madigan), Dave Brockie (Gwar) and more.

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Below are the 8 Chapters that make up this DVD.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Thanks to Mike for the link!


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