Allen Vandevers art post

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Kiss Acrylic, Epoxy Resin By Allen Vandever

After being a work in progress for more than 8 years, this piece has finally reached the point where I feel it accurately portrays my vision.? Like numerous others, this painting represents my dream state, often blurring and bleeding into my waking state, though it never infiltrates the clarity of my analysis of either.? The two women?s bodies are made up of other women?s faces, representing all the other lives and experiences contained in the spirit of each individual being.? The woman on the right is ablaze with the passion of this moment, so much so, that her hair seems to melt into, and become a part of the evening sun.? This is balanced with the cooling blue that makes up the rest of the background, illustrating the ease of their connection?the uninhibited fluidity of their union, running without restraint.? Also, like many in this series, this painting is made up of multiple layers of epoxy resin (8-12), creating a visually tangible depth, which accomplishes quite a few things.? First, upper levels often cast shadows on lower ones, changing the image as one moves around it.? Also, it allows the viewer to see the steps the Artist has taken to create the ?whole? image.? Through this process, I hope to create not only a feeling of visual depth, but of metaphysical depth as well.? I hope to further illustrate this point as additional works are shown and discussed on this forum.

This painting is currently ranked number #1 at ranked art. Please check out the web site and rank my art.

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Posted: October 24th, 2009
at 2:44am by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,contemporary,art theory

Comments: 5 comments


5 Responses to 'Allen Vandevers art post'

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  1. I love reading the description of your artwork. It epitomizes how it makes me feel when I look at so many of your pieces. I particularly like what you did with their skin and figures. Up close, there are a thousand careful details but far away it creates a much larger picture making it admirable from every point of view.

    I have always loved the depth in your paintings and this is another one that I think I could spend hours simply staring at while being lost in thought.

    Thank you for sharing!


    25 Oct 09 at 1:24 pm


  2. Love this!!!!!


    25 Oct 09 at 3:28 pm


  3. So much depth! The colors are so vivid and captivating. Truly a great work. Thanks!


    25 Oct 09 at 3:32 pm


  4. Allen, your artwork is amazing as usual! I still need to buy a painting or at least a print. It really is awesome!


    26 Oct 09 at 4:13 pm


  5. All I can say is Wow!
    The detail is amazing and the colors are stunning. Great Work.


    26 Oct 09 at 11:18 pm



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