Ninja Homes: Weekend House at CarreA§o

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How ill is that? This house has a terrace that cantilevers out something like 8 meters…ridiculous…


Designed by Pedro Gadanho and Nuno Grande, this beach house/weekend retreat in CarreA§o, Portugal, was designed to make the most of its ‘narrow and long plot’, creating a linearly organized house of two horizontal volumes ‘sliding’ against each other. An outdoor room/terrace then projects off the back of the structure [that 8 meters I was talking about], in order to ‘minimize landscape impacts and skip the legal setbacks’ [ninjas are sneaky and stealthy like that, son!].


Nuno Grande, from Nextroom:

For a long time, our Orange House seemed quite strange to a lot of people. Strange to us, as brandnew architects coming (or running) from the respectable and purist Porto Architectural School. Strange to the patient owner who wanted a beach house and got an urban one; strange to the local fishermen whose ancient lighthouse was partially hidden by the new rectangular volume. Strange to the unpleasant neighbour who, from the other side of the street, kept a suspicious surveillance, facing the gaze of the a€monstera€™sa€™ only eye. Strange to the brave structural engineer who prayed that the almost eightmetre balcony cantilever would not collapse. Strange to the friendly visitors who could never agree on why they liked that loud orange colour so much! And yet, what was so strange became familiar after all.

Now finished, the house is orange on the outside but quiet when you see it from the inside a€" like an a€inverted egga€™, a kind of perversion of the normal building process: white concrete inside, coloured plaster outside.



interview with Pedro Gadanho and Nuno Grande from Nextroom, and an article from ArkiSpot


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Posted: July 29th, 2009
at 8:00am by orangemenace

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Categories: architecture,ninja homes

Comments: 3 comments


3 Responses to 'Ninja Homes: Weekend House at CarreA§o'

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  1. you ninjas are back!!

    beantown nickles

    30 Jul 09 at 12:19 am


  2. viva la MNP!


    30 Jul 09 at 9:10 pm


  3. man that is one ugly house.


    19 Aug 11 at 9:08 am



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