Archive for November, 2009

Japanese Video of the Week #26

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Posted: November 17th, 2009
at 2:46pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: japanese video of the week

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Levar Burton’s 99 Problems


Really tho, this is pretty hilarious regardless - but for Geordi La Forge / Mr Reading Rainbow to link to it himself? Priceless.

.:via->Levar Burton’s Twitter feed

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Posted: November 16th, 2009
at 11:03pm by orangemenace

Categories: myninjaplease,life,celebrity,fo' real?,"ninja"

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The Real Football Factories: London - Documentary

Later for you Pats haters, it’s Monday people. Last night was a terrible night for American football, so I figured we take it back to the motherland (of white people) and talk about some real football.

I know Americans are too good for soccer, because we like sports that are more controversial, corrupt, and easily fixed, but sometimes you just gotta branch out (esp. when your American Football team just giftwraps games for their opponent). I mean, think of all the soccer fanatics in the world!

Besides, soccer has this great thing going on with hooliganry, the likes of which could only be found in a Red Sox v. Yankees rivalry in America. I know there are other heated sports rivalries, but none where the fans kill each other and crap. Anyway, watch the video and enjoy. It’s about hooligans for God’s sake.

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Posted: November 16th, 2009
at 11:21am by Black Ock

Categories: documentary

Comments: 7 comments

TIME’s Top 50 Best Inventions ’09

Did ya’ll realize that there are still magazines in print? Surprise, my ninjas! It’s true. Lucky for us, TIME hasn’t been totally banished to the nether realm yet.

I was watching a true vestige of the past, CNN, earlier today and I saw this list of 2009’s fifty best inventions. They have all sorts of marginally cool inventions, the most of which is an electronic eye to restore partial eyesight to the blind. They even have vertical farming on there, which you already know we’re excited about. I’d advocate checking out the list if you’re able to tear yourself away from us for a bit. The image above is a visualization from one of their listees, Planetary Skin, which combines formerly isolated environmental data into a scalable, fully integrated model for measuring specific environmental impacts.

Along with the top fifty list TIME also has a list of the worst inventions of 2009. I’m not going to go too far into it except to say that I strongly disagree with its contents. For instance, they thoroughly hate on Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies (a reinterpretation mashup of some Jane Austen book I’ve never heard of, read, or cried through), which I’m pretty sure I’ve recommended to everybody just based on concept. In fact you can just click the image and buy it right now.

Similarly, the gas mask bra (below), which seems like a hella good idea to most any ninja, got the same sort of treatment. One man’s trash my friend, one man’s trash.

Anyway, check it out: TIME’s Top 50 Inventions of 2009 and let’s not forget the Top Worst

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Posted: November 14th, 2009
at 6:36pm by Black Ock

Categories: web,business,gear,design

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Allen Vandever Art Post "Disco"


Disco Acrylic, Epoxy Resin by Allen Vandever

I relinquish conscious control over my limbs, my mind drifts back into the periphery, allowing a primal call to create the motions of my body. The mind becomes quiet, and I behold the glorious interweaving patterns and colors breathing and colliding in vivid translucence. My skin ignites with burning energy, growing hotter and hotter until I burst into flames. My body extends out to the furthest reaches of the flames, where I burn even hotter, fueling the conflagration. Steadily, I become a pillar of flame, ascending higher and higher over the earth. And from this height, I have the vision of a million worlds.

When the mind and body ascend into another plane of sight and existence, the sensations are beyond what is conceivable in the existing material world, so the words fail me, and I can only describe it as ‘other-worldly.’ In my experience, I have been able to reach this lucidity through direct mental meditation-in a waking or dreaming state, indirect meditation-often brought upon by the trance-inducing power of sex or dance, and with the use of psychedelic drugs. All have played a profound role in weaving my transcendental experience, guiding me to realize the infinitely complex dimensions of the human mind and spirit.

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Posted: November 14th, 2009
at 12:57pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,contemporary,philosophy,art theory

Comments: 3 comments


If you’re a Chicago Bulls fan, all I can say is MY NINJA PLEASE!

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Posted: November 13th, 2009
at 4:19pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: myninjaplease,music,web,games

Comments: 2 comments

1,000 Years of European History

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Posted: November 13th, 2009
at 2:20pm by Koookiecrumbles

Categories: today in history,ir,maps

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ABOVE :: Reverse Psychology

New video from the artist, ABOVE.

"There are two sides to every coin, and we all know two wrongs don’t make a right but somehow when it comes to filming a video in reverse then reversing it, it makes total sense? Confused? Watch the video to get a better idea. If you still don’t understand, I can only suggest to try and watch it in reverse?!"

The reverse side also has a reverse side. -Japanese proverb.

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Posted: November 13th, 2009
at 1:24pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: myninjaplease,art,weaponry,"ninja",philosophy

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New Group Shows in SF



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Posted: November 13th, 2009
at 1:19pm by Koookiecrumbles

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Categories: art,events

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